A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions



Deep breath, friend.

I know how frustrating it is for “pray more” or “stop worrying” to show up on your New Years goals…for like the last 5 years. I’ve spent many a day on what feels like a hamster wheel striving so hard for change.

Out of breath, but still feeling stuck. It’s ironic how that works. 

Nine times out of ten, when I find myself there, it’s because I’m doing one of two things: trying to do it all on my own or waiting for God to hand it to me on a silver platter.

But here’s what God has taught me to be the secret to transforming my life:

  1. I need a surrendered dependence on the Lord and
  2. A spirit that pursues holiness in my everyday life.

Prayer (life in God’s presence) and practical application come together to transform us.

If you are tired of waking up the same and feeling like it must be Groundhog’s Day, I want to help! (Also, two rodent analogies in a matter of moments. You think that’s impressive? I’ve actually got one more coming…; )

According to Dr. Gary Smalley’s personality test, I am a classic beaver. Essentially that means I’m analytical, love a good worksheet and thrive on practical ways to do things. The downside to being a beaver personality? They can go negative quick and worry when things aren’t done perfectly. The Lord is efficiently using my weaknesses to inspire me to create things using my strengths.

In fact, it all started when my fears during pregnancy had me searching for a prayer journal where I could organize my thoughts and every symptom I could possibly worry about. (Did I mention I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac?) When I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I used that old journalism degree and skills designing wedding invitations to create my own.

In the fall of 2013, about 2 weeks before my first daughter was born, I started selling our 6-month prayer journal. It exploded. It turns out I wasn’t the only one whose prayer time many days consisted of staring at a blank wall running through my to-do list instead of actually praying.

Since then we have sold over 100,000 prayer journals.

We’ve had them used by famous bachelorettes, Canadian style mavens, and authors with books you’ve probably got on your shelf. Why? Because none of us are immune to distractions in our prayer life and we all need a little help to focus on what matters most to us!

My life is by no means perfect now, as you can see from my Instagram, but it’s good, y’all.

I get to do life every day with my wonderful husband, Tyler. He’s is a serial entrepreneur by day and a gourmet chef by night. I am momma to Vivi Mae and Vana. My best friend was sort of built in but I wouldn’t trade her for any other, my twin sister Natalie! Check out her shop and devotional for singles, Wholeheartedly. We live in Woerner Bungalow and are passionate about minimalistic living and finding margin in this busy-loving world. We live in Lafayette, Louisiana (also known as Cajun Country). If you like good food, folks that will treat you like family and great culture, you must come see us!

I love my life and where God has taken me, but He is far from done with me. I don’t pretend to have it all figured out, but am happy to share my journey with you! The Finishing School is my journey and what I’d share with you if we were sitting on my porch drinking iced tea. 

I am so grateful you stopped by! 


How I make things happen

I get asked often how I balance two girls, running a shop and writing a book or even just blog posts. I certainly don’t have it all together, but I’m happy to share what has helped me achieve a lot of my goals over the years. Click the graphics for more on each principle!

[one-fourth-first]How I make things happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth-first][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth]

[one-fourth-first]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth-first][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth][one-fourth]How I make it happen | Val Marie Paper[/one-fourth]

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