A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


The Finishing School

What is The Finishing School about?

In today’s world, our pursuit of a life well lived gets squeezed out by the silliest of things: binging on Netflix or ice cream, shopping trips for things we don’t need, bad habits we can’t seem to get a handle on and so much more. Valerie has been there despite knowing what she wanted for her life. Actually do it though? That’s the real challenge.

After gobbling up all the non-fiction and self-help books her donut-filled belly could handle, she decided it was time to put her knowledge to use and start actually living it out. The result has been a refining process that has drawn her closer to God and produced the sweetest fruit in her life. You will hear about Valerie’s journey filled with failures and victories and find practical tips to apply to your own pursuit of holiness. You will find homework at the end of each chapter that includes a worksheet to put real change in motion for your own life as well as recommended books to further study those topics that really test you.

In the finishing school, you will learn:

  • 3 keys to experiencing joy
  • 4 steps to combating fear and anxiety
  • 5 tips for intentional Bible study
  • 6 keys to a rest-filled Sabbath
  • 7 ways to make prayer happen daily
  • and much more!

How do you order The Finishing School?

Visit shop here.

Where can I get the homework worksheets?

Click here! Find the password on the homework page at the end of each chapter.

Here what others are saying about The Finishing School!

“The Finishing School is a must-read. It’s not just a book, it’s a meaningful conversation with a friend who loves God and wants to give the very best practical and spiritual insight on so many important aspects of life. I can’t think of a better combination! Val’s writing is sincere, candid, and I felt like she was sitting with me over coffee the whole time, cheering me on! From finance to friendship, The Finishing School is packed with wisdom from the Word, practical advice, actionable steps, and a whole lot of humor along the way. I’m grabbing a copy (or four) for my own kids to read one day, and for my dearest friends. I can’t recommend this unique book enough!” – Lara Casey, Author of Make It Happen: Surrender Your Fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose. LaraCasey.com

“A few page turns into The Finishing School and I knew I’d found a kindred in Valerie Woerner.  Valerie’s passion for the refinement of our souls gently coaches us along as she provides a framework to think, process and pray through areas of our lives that could benefit from some finishing. I know you’ll be appropriately challenged while graciously given space for God’s refining work in your life.” – Jenni Catron, church leader and author of CLOUT: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence

“One of my favorite things about Valerie and the products she makes is that NOTHING is theoretical. The Finishing School is no exception. It doesn’t just give you ideas, it puts flesh and wisdom on real questions and the workbook provides real steps to take action on what you’ve learned. What an amazing and valuable tool for the women of our generation!” – Jess Connolly, owner of Naptime Diaries Shop, cofounder of The Influence Network, coauthor of upcoming book Wild and Free

“The Finishing School couldn’t have arrived in my mailbox at a more perfect time. Amidst trying to figure out how to balance a business, personal life, & most importantly my relationship with God, Val helps lay everything out in a refreshingly honest & authentic way. A must read!” – Kelsey Lemons, Photographer, Lettering Artist, & Founder of She, In the Making

“In a culture where constant connection and chaotic schedules is praised, The Finishing School brings women back to the core of what life is about-faithfully walking with God and chasing after His dreams. Val’s simplicity and passion will ignite a passion in your heart to be content with less, live to the fullest, and enjoy the freedom God has given us. Each chapter intentionally walks you through practical steps to living a life of purpose and joy in the midst of our busy days. Val’s vulnerability from her own life experiences and wisdom bubbles over from her writing into the reader’s life. One thing is sure, God is not finished with us yet, and He will use The Finishing School to encourage you to make the most of your days!” – Gretchen Saffles, creator of Life Lived Beautifully, Author of A God-Sized Love Story. www.lifelivedbeautifully.com

“The Finishing School is a beautiful balance of God’s truth and transparency. Val’s words do not just inspire, but offer a genuine guide to fill in life’s gaps with more of God’s best so He gets the glory. Grab a cup of coffee and a highlighter. You’re about to make a new friend.” – Michelle Myers, business mentor and founder of She Works His Way and Cross Training Couture

“I will be honest. The Lord has been dealing with me regarding my spiritual and life disciplines lately. Something I have been avoiding coming face-to-face with and doing the work God requires of me. So Finishing School could not have come at a better time. Valerie has a gentle, affirming yet challenging way to move you from someday to today. You do not feel judged, you just feel like your girlfriend is saying “i totally get it. I’ve been there….in fact, I AM there and I know God wants more for us, so lets do this together”. I see a fresh wave of accountability and spurring one another on in the spirtual and life disciplines the Lord is calling us to.” – Jenn Sprinkle, designer and creative strategist, co-author of 31 days of Prayer for the Dreamer and the Doer, Co-founder of The Well Studio. thewellstudio.co.

“With the world demanding our time and schedules more than ever — the true reward is when we surrender our control to let Him filter through our hearts, habits, and schedules. That is where we find joy. The Finishing School shows us what that looks like and how to apply it in our own lives.We fill our calendars and perpetrate the glorification of being busy — perhaps the most important lesson of all is we become better women, servants and children of God when we take time to rest and surrender ourselves in Him.” – Stephanie Sterjovski, Creative Director: SS Print Shop, Content Creator: SS Life & Style Blog 

“Reading The Finishing School felt as though I was sitting in Val’s screened in porch and we were having a cup of coffee together just sharing our hearts: feeling both challenged and encouraged by the word of God and a trusted friend. The truth is, this book is timeless and for that it will forever stay on my bookshelf as a resource for life.” – Mae Snodgrass, wife, private tutor, woman aiming to soak in God’s daily grace

“The Finishing School was refreshing to my heart, challenging to my pursuit of godliness, and encouraging to my soul. It is a valuable resource at every stage of spiritual life and with Val’s easy-to-read writing style it is one that is definitely hard to put down!” – Ashley Delaune, wife, local entrepreneur, girl after a holy heart

“The Finishing School is overflowing with practical tips and nuggets of goodness. Valerie’s easy, conversational style of writing, combined with her wise, gentle nudges, do one thing: point you to Christ. She’s the one-in-a-million big sister you never knew you were missing.” – Lorien Owens, wife and mother of 3, avid reader and adventurer, former delivery girl

“The Finishing School is refining and refreshing! Val graciously welcomes readers into her life and home. As she shares practical truths, we are given the opportunity to take part and reflect on areas in our own lives that need a little work and a lot of Jesus! The Finishing School invites us not just to read and take in new knowledge, but actively live out the what we’ve learned.” – Kate Powell, photographer & owner of kate&co. 

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