A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband


Lately I have felt the call to be quiet. Not a pushover or anything extreme, but a gentle spirit that 1 Peter 3:4 calls us to. One that prays more than criticizes. Now if you ask my husband, he would probably have no idea about this because I still talk quite a bit. Truthfully, I have known these things for a while. (See posts: The Wife GeneThe Prayer Gene) BUT my heart is starting to change and actually desire to be quiet instead of just know I should, which is certainly the first step!
My sister shared a post this week about praying for your husband including a download for 31 Days of Prayer. Here is a snippet:

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband | Val Marie Paper BlogBefore we got married I had two challenges to prayer for Josh & I’s marriage and for him as a husband. I can honestly say that over the course of 1 month of praying I saw so much of the Lord’s hand in our lives that it forever changed the way I thought about prayer.

The first challenge came at the request of the hostess for my bridal prayer shower. It was my first prayer shower and I loved that it was so unique, but could have never imagined how impactful it would be to our future. Before the shower, the hostess asked me to send in a list of 31 prayers for Josh and I’s marriage. Looking back, her request was an amazing blessing and made me really consider 2 things :

  1. What do I really want for our marriage?
  2. Have I been taking these things to the Lord in prayer?

Check out the full post here!



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