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7 favorite podcasts + lessons in binging


Hey friends!! I am late the podcast game, but I’m thinking surely there is someone out there is later than me? No? Anyway, I thought I’d share what my favorites have been so far! There are seriously so many out there so it was hard to narrow it down, but I learned a valuable lesson the last few months.

It is so easy to go on a listening binge and not be present when you need to be. I pretty much ignored quality car time with Vivi was even listening a lot as I fed Vana lunch while Vivi was at school because it’s one of the few quiet times without a chatty toddler. I totally overdid it. Whether it’s blogs, insty feeds, podcasts, whatever, PRUNE PEOPLE! I can be a bottomless pit when it comes to learning sometimes (as nerdy as that sounds) but the truth is, I can’t listen to every episode or read every post. For that reason, I had to pare down my list of subscribed podcasts the same way I unfollow people on Insty once I start following too many. That number is relative but I was a chronic, “scroll to the last post I’ve seen” person so for me personally I can’t follow hundreds and hundreds of people. (This is your friendly reminder that if my feed doesn’t encourage you, UNFOLLOW ME! I value your margin and don’t want to add the noise. If I don’t add value to your life, please unfollow. I respect you and I wholeheartedly mean that. 

Back to podcasts, what I’m sharing today is that pared down list. Y’all feel free to share your favorites as well and for those of you just jumping in, take some time to check out however many you like and then prune, prune till it’s only the ones you really love!! I chose these because, I have found value in most, if not all their podcasts. And if it’s not a topic that I don’t REALLY want to listen to (like one about pregnancy since I’m not pregnant), I delete that particular episode right away from my feed. If I just liked a random one podcast from a show, I don’t subscribe, but may occasionally check in to see what’s come up every so often. 

Ok here is my list! 


Risen Motherhood – Emily and Laura are sister-in-laws who address everyday topics of motherhood and apply the Gospel in such a thorough way! I am always left feeling encouraged and inspired to be a great mom without any of the guilt. Also, I just had the pleasure of being a guest on the show, talking about making time for prayer with littles keeping me busy. You can check that episode out here

The Purposeful Home Podcast – I found this one through one of the host’s Allie Cassaza’s site. She talks a lot about minimalist life with kids and I am encouraged each episode that it’s possible to not be overwhelmed by my home and all the tasks that are a part of it. It doesn’t need to stop us from living out our purpose as it sometimes can. As someone who considers myself a minimalist and somewhat ruthless with the things we keep, stuff creeps in and this podcasts gets me excited to keep pruning back. She happened to share about her quiet time last week and mentioned our journals!

Focused 15 – This podcast is 15 minutes and geared toward helping you in your study of the Bible. If you are feeling like you need pep talks to help you understand the Word, this one is perfect for you! I love that they are simple and short, but set up a good framework. They cover what you need to know when studying specific books of the Bible, and others questions like “How can I avoid reading a verse out of context?”


Startup Camp – This podcast is from Dale Partridge and perfect for entrepreneurs. His focus is on “creating a life you love” not just having a successful career. I have loved the guest he has and the questions he asks! 

Hopewriters – I mentioned this membership site in my Book Writing Routine post but even if you don’t join, you can check out their podcast. Lots of helpful information for writers and like I mentioned, listening to it honestly just makes me feel like an author and not a mom who pecks at a keyboard. Definitely a confidence booster besides a wealth of information! 


The Healthy Moms Podcast – This podcast I’ll actually be sharing more about soon but it has encouraged me so much to keep learning more about health and how to take care of my kids with this knowledge in mind. Highly recommend if you want to learn more about crunchy healthy stuff but aren’t sure where to start. 

Ultimate Health Podcast – This was actually my gateway podcast! I’m not sure how I stumbled upon it but once I did, I was like, how did I not know about this whole world??

My friend Gretchen posted recently about her favorite faith-based podcasts. Lots of good ones to check out!! 

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