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A Month in the Life of a Pray-er

11.11.2021 • 1 Comment

Welcome to our annual prayer series! Each day, we’ll be posting brand-new content to encourage your prayer life. Enjoy, and find our prayer journals for 2022 here!

After reading this fun post from Cultivate What Matters, I thought it would be fun to share what a month in the life of a pray-er looks like. We can talk about the daily routines, but there are so many other rhythms we can have as part of our prayer life that aren’t daily. 

So in this post, I’ll share what that has looked like in my life lately. A major caveat, this is not every month, all the time, but just a composite of the last year-ish of rhythms I’ve had for prayer.

Day 1: Sabbath Day. This won’t work for everyone but I spend the first workday of the month not working. I read an epistle (recently it was Philippians and Ephesians) and spent extended time in prayer. If you are a business owner and struggle with Sabbath, this extra rhythm on a day that SHOULD be a workday is so good to reorient your heart to God’s plan and the trust that is required to steward a business for the Lord.

Day 2: At Least once a week – Voxer message prayers to a few long-distance friends. I do my best to try to send an actual prayer when someone asks for prayer for something. I haven’t been great at this lately but this is a sweet reminder to get back to that. 

Day 3: Weekly fasting on Wednesday – I fast from breakfast and lunch and spend time prepping my heart and talking to God about what I’m praying and fasting about that day in the morning and then sit on my porch when I’d normally be making lunch for a little extra quiet. 

Day 4: Meet with my prayer group and go through Pray Confidently and Consistently. Get our leader guide for a really easy way to do this. 

Day 5: Friday morning – Tyler goes to the gym so I take the girls to school and we pray on the way about their day!

Day  7: Sunday between services – Prayer time with a few other church members for our church. The girls come with us for this. 

Day 10: Weekly fasting on Wednesday

Day 11: Meet with my prayer group and go through Pray Confidently and Consistently. Get our leader guide for a really easy way to do this. 

Day 14: Sunday after service – I am on our prayer team so I go up to the front after the service and am there if anyone needs prayer. Sometimes no one comes and that’s ok. Other times, someone comes and I’m blown away by how God speaks to ME through these moments of praying for someone else. 

Day 16: Monthly VMP team meeting. Kara leads us through prayer time for praise, requests for our team and for our customers. 

Day 17: Weekly fasting on Wednesday

Day 18: Meet with my weekly prayer group. 

Day 19: Having a rough Friday. Walk to my mom’s for some prayer on her porch. 

Day 20: Dinner at Social with friends. Addison prays for our meal and time together. 

Day 24: Weekly fasting on Wednesday. I invited the VMP team to fast with me before the book launch. We talked a bit throughout the day and it was so nice to fast with others. 

Day 25: Meet with my weekly prayer group.  

Day 28: Text friends to see what I can pray for them! I wish I did this better but I TRY to text before the month starts because otherwise, I’m filling out my prayer journal at 5:30 AM and not about to text people that early! I forget by the time it’s proper texting hours and do this for at least 3-4 days before I remember to text at a good time!  😉 

Day 29-30: Reflect on answered prayers from the month! 

Day 31: Fill out my prayer journal for the next month!

What are some different ways that you pray throughout the month? Tell us in the comments below!

COMING NEXT: Praying for the hard to pray for
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How to make time to pray
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Comments (1)

Love this! Thanks for sharing!!

Our church has a zoom prayer meeting on Wednesdays. We also pray as a team before the service if we’re on the volunteering teams. I text my friends with prayer requests as they come up. I try and go for prayer walks when I can, especially when the weather is nice. Also try and spend extra time journal praying on the Sabbath weekly.