A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Authenticity :: Refocusing the Vision



Last summer, I spent so much time thinking about what I wanted Val Marie Paper to be about. Every piece of the puzzle was authentically me because I crafted it around my vision and core. Between September and May, things got busy. I didn’t derail completely off track from the vision, but I did lose a bit of focus.

You might have seen me share this in a picture on instagram. I’m in the process of refocusing the vision for VMP as we get ready to launch 8 new suites as well as lots of updates to the website and a fun project or two! : )

Maybe you are in a similar spot in business and you completely overhauled your brand a year or more ago. It can be such a long process that we forget to go back to it once the final web edit is complete and everything is debuted.

Revisiting the vision for our brand gives us clarity and helps us prioritize what we want to do and how best to do to it to make sure it’s authentic. For me personally, it keeps me reigned in when I get distracted by a million and one ideas that don’t really fit my goals or mission. Like I said, things can get busy. They can also get noisy. We can be become inundated with other people’s brands and vision that we think we need to be just a little more like them.

I want everything I blog about, the designs I share, the way I brand and even the social media updates I make to be authentic to me and my vision for VMP. It motivates me and keeps me passionate about this business. It helps me connect better to y’all because you know what I’m about and honestly, it’s also keeps me in my little happy place doing only what is important to me! : )

The above inspiration board is what inspired the VMP logo design. I pulled it out and am keeping it handy as I continue to work on our new collection launch! These photos represent my original vision and so much more than the pretty pics you see here: clean, fresh, inspired design, trustworthiness, sophistication and positivity and so much more!

Get excited y’all!! So much goodness in store!! : )

Girl / Savannah / Girl / Paris / Ampersand / Choose Joy 

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