A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Calling all bloggers!


Hi friends!! The holiday season is upon us and for Val Marie Paper, this is when many people are introduced to our journals. I cannot tell you how many people have told me they first got our journal as a gift from Christmas and it changed their life so much that they have started buying for all their friends.

Holiday Gift Guide Product | Val Marie PaperYes, sales are exciting but after years of hearing this response, I know fertile ground is a’coming. People who would have never found our products find them and have their prayer life changed. And my heart is so excited to see how God will use our products this season.

Because of that, this year, I wanted to connect with as many bloggers as possible who create Christmas gift guides to help us spread the word about our journals. If you share a gift guide on your blog and want to include any of our journals, I’d love to send you a journal for free for you to test out if you’ve never tried before or as a thank you if you are long time supporter!

Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch soon! I honestly have no idea what kind of response we will get but I have about 25 to send out for this so apply soon and I’ll be emailing you by Tuesday if we are a good fit!

Thank you friends!! I don’t say it enough. I am so grateful for your support of Val Marie Paper and your support for me personally! 😉

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