A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Christmas songs to be triggered by

12.12.2023 • 2 Comments

Every year we say we want this season to be centered on Christ but every year, we’re up against the same obstacles even though we’ve still got that same inner desire for more. 

How do we find quiet moments with the Lord in the midst of a boutique, Christmas parade, grocery store, performance or even sitting in traffic? 

Seems almost too good to be true but I wanted to share something today that I hope will help you find moments of prayer in the most unexpected places. 

What if the songs that you are guaranteed to hear, could trigger you to pray? What if one line caught your attention and gave you the immediate awareness that this is a moment with the Lord? I want to share a line or two from some of the most popular Christmas songs that you’re sure to hear and a prayer that can follow as you hear it. So let’s dive in! 

Perfect prayer triggers for a busy holiday by valerie woerner, classic christmas songs, holiday music, prayers, how to pray, minimal holidays, christ focused, christmas seasonANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH

“Gloria, in excelsis Deo! / Gloria, in excelsis Deo!”

First off, do you know what this even means? I mean, gloria and deo and I can piece together but the rest? I had an idea but up until I just googled it 5 minutes ago I honestly didn’t know for sure. It means “Glory to God in the highest.”

To know that as I sing the words changes EVERYTHING!! As you hear this song, this season, be reminded that though there feels like lots of important things to pray for, taking time to simply pour out all our praise is of utmost significance! No other words necessary! 

Lord, all glory to you in the highest! Be praised! 


“Be near me, Lord Jesus / I ask You to stay / Close by me forever / And love me I pray” 

Because of the manger, it’s possible for Jesus to actually be near us. Friends, I teared up reading these lyrics looking for prayers. The truth is, I’ve sung this a hundred times not noticing it and I hope that’s what these simple thoughts will do. Kind of jolt us back into the reality of what we are singing!!

Lord, thank you for sending your Son to be born in a manger so that I can be near to you.


I keep wanting to say, go read the whole song! There are sooo many things I could have pulled out! 

“​​While mortals sleep, the angels keep / Their watch of wondering love”

Today, right now, though we may only see the physical, there is an active spiritual world. God is at work even in the mundane moments. To remember how people could possibly be sleeping while all this was happening is startling but a good reminder that we don’t see all the action. 

Lord, give me eyes to see the eternal things and may I put my hope in what is not seen instead of what is seen. 


Guys, I am a mess researching this! This post may officially be for none other than me because it’s wrecking my little holiday heart. It feels so silly to not tie this all together but truly, there are a million distractions so if you’re getting weepy as you see these and remember just how gracious God is, you aren’t alone. 

“I have no gift to bring / Pa rum pum pum pum / That’s fit to give our king”

As I read this line, I couldn’t help but think of the book I’m reading, The Grace Awakening by Charles R Swindoll It’s a deep dive into the fact that we literally can’t earn grace. For us perfectionist gals and doers, I still need this message ove 3 decades into my walk with the Lord. The drummer boy comes so humbly, no gifts, so he gives him what he has, a song. 

Lord, I come with nothing worthy to give but I give you what I have. Show me what that looks like today. 

Perfect prayer triggers for a busy holiday by valerie woerner, classic christmas songs, holiday music, prayers, how to pray, minimal holidays, christ focused, christmas seasonSILENT NIGHT 

So seriously, might have to stop writing this. 😭 The dawn of redeeming grace? Beautiful! To be on the cusp of what we get to know is coming, salvation. That’s means so much! 

“Radiant beams from Thy holy face  / With the dawn of redeeming grace”

Lord, let your face shine upon me  (Numbers 6:25) and may I never forget the redeeming grace that the birth of Jesus ushered in.


“Let Earth receive her King / Let every heart prepare Him room”

Here’s the thing, we can ignore God. Will we prepare room for Him or will we load up our schedules so full, we don’t have a minute to ponder the wonder of the season? 

Lord, help me today to receive you and prepare room for You. 


“Go, tell it on the mountain / Over the hills and everywhere / Go, tell it on the mountain / That Jesus Christ is born”

I almost didn’t think to include this because it’s as basic as loving sweater weather and PSLs. But are we actually sharing the good news of Jesus with others? There are so many opportunities this time of year. 

Lord, give me a courage to speak your name boldly this season. Give me your eyes to see those around me who need to hear the good news! 


“A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices”

To piggy back off the last one, there are people who desperately need to know the hope they have in Christ. We were watching a Christmas movie the other day and they said the meaning of Christmas was something about generosity. Being way too similar to my mom, I leaned over and sarcastically said “that’s close 🙄🙄🙄”. Because that’s such a poor man’s impression of Christmas!! People are desperate for purpose and truth and we’re over here talking about a holiday where people are nice to other people a little more than usual for a few weeks. 🤨🤨🤨 People are WEARY and HOPELESS. Let’s point them to their only hope. 

Lord, thank you being my hope. I’m weary and so many others are too. Be my joy. 

I would love to hear if there are any lines in Christmas songs that just hit you differently! Share them below so we can all be triggered this season in the best way possible!

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Comments (4)

Away in a manger has been my favorite this year. 1. Because my 2 year old sang it with hand motions for her school performance but also 2. Phil Wickham’s version ends like this:
“ I worship You, Jesus, for all of my days!
The highest of praises be unto Your name!
My God and my Savior!
My King and my Friend!
Yours is the glory, forever, Amen!”

Not a classic, but if you have never heard Mighty Christmas by Tim Timmons… go find it and listen! It’s beautiful and has been so helpful to center me when I’m on the go in the car!