A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


How to invest in friendships when your time is limited


7 tips for investing in friendships by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, prayer, girlfriends, friends, friendsgiving, prayer journal, praying for friends, praying scripture, kindness, prayer request, encouragement, gift

Welcome to our annual Prayer Series! This year, Val’s expanding on each of the different prompts that you’ll find in our prayer journal. No journal required to benefit from the practical tips you’ll find here, but if you’d like to check out our 2019 Prayer Journal Collection, click here!

I am an all-out advocate that just because we have little kids or a busy job, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make time for friendships. But I’m also human and know that friendships do look different when you have the responsibilities of little ones. I’ve fought this stereotype for years but to some extent, it’s going to be true. Luckily, there is one way to invest in our friendships that we can do while our hands are full. You know what I’m gonna say. PRAYER.

I sound like the most broken record of all time but we literally wouldn’t have a shop if I didn’t believe in the power of prayer in our lives, so here we are again talking about prayer. But I wanted to share some specific ways we can pray for our friends in a way that lets them know they are loved and that impacts their lives in big ways.

1. Pray for your school momma friends when you’re in the car line. Heck, if you’re feeling bold, meet up early to chat or pray together in the car line.

2. Choose a worship song during church to pray over your friends at church.

3. Send them Scripture. Did you pray for a friend and a verse pop in your head as you prayed? Share it with them! Text them the Scripture and let them know.

4. Send them audible prayers through text message or videos through Instagram. Hearing actual words can be so powerful!

5. Know something big is going on with your friend on a certain day? Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to pray for them each hour of the day.

6. Go old school and send them a handwritten prayer that they can slip in their Bible or hang on the fridge to be reminded that you’re lifting them up.

7. Remember to check in. If your friend asks you to pray for something specific, don’t pray and then leave them hanging. Try adding a note to your calendar to follow-up!

Of course, adding every single one of these things to your life right now life isn’t gonna happen with limited time. But I challenge you to pick one thing that you want to try out in the next week and let us know below!

Want to become a student of prayer? Sign up here to be notified when our NEW online course launches this January!

NEXT: The Heavy


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