A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Little Victories

10.28.2014 • 2 Comments

2014-10-28_0001There are days when all we need is the tiniest sign that God is at work, and we can keep going. There are moments of bending our will to His where we fully understand that I won’t see the whole picture and no longer see that as completely frustrating. That place is  hard to get to. Sometimes, we just need a little sign that God didn’t forget us.

In the thick of being a new mom, I prayed daily for what I started calling “Little Victories.” And throughout my day, as I would see them, I’d cry out to God: “Thank you Lord for these little victories.” They kept me going. Like a snowball gaining speed, I found myself energized to make it till bedtime.

I still need these everyday. Little victories are not to be confused with “things going your way.” Sometimes they are, but sometimes a little victory is simply God turning my attitude around. Or choosing not to scream, but instead sing when I just can’t bear the sound of a crying baby anymore.

To be reminded throughout my day that I am not going it alone is incredibly inspiring. I am capable of so much more, not only because I always have Christ in me, but even moreso when I REMEMBER this fact and allow Him access to everything so He can work through me. He doesn’t has for us to do all the work, but He does ask for a willing heart to be used.

I created a free downloadable worksheet to help us track down those Little Victories in seasons where we have trouble seeing all God is doing. My prayer is that looking at your list will always remind how God is at work no matter what the circumstances look like!

Download your worksheet here.

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Comments (2)

Love this! Thank you so much for the encouraging post and encouragement to look for how God is working in our lives 🙂


I just wanted to say thank you for posting this, and thanks for the printable! It really made me realize today that he is constanly reminding us of all good things, even when things seem not be not going our way. I hope to add some victory dances to my agenda today. I was reminded when I saw three turkeys cross the road this morning on my drive to work, that it’s the little things like these that remind me how beautiful nature is. I am so happy for little victories, bring them on! Have a great Valerie!

