A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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Monthly Prayer Prompt: January

1.9.2018 • 3 Comments

If you feel like you need a little more direction, each worksheet will have a prayer written out or prompt ideas related to the month’s theme to get you started.We LOVE our customer feedback and can honestly say, the things y’all share, if it fits our mission, we take action on. Today’s a big example. During out Pre-Prayer Webinar, Erica B. asked if we had plans to add more worksheet prompts with a monthly focus and our response was “why didn’t we think of that??”

Here’s why we loved the idea so much:

1. To give you a place to start. If you feel like you need a little more direction, each worksheet will have a prayer written out or prompt ideas related to the month’s theme to get you started. We’re actually going back to our roots. Did you know when we designed the first journals, they had a theme? See here. It was so fun to connect the dots on this as we created the concept for these new worksheets!

2. To help you mix things up. Another obstacle to prayer is feeling repetitious. This will add a new element each month to keep things fresh.

If you have a yearly or 6-month journal, you can cut out the sheet and washi-tape it to the blank page to the left of the start of a new month.

If you feel like you need a little more direction, each worksheet will have a prayer written out or prompt ideas related to the month’s theme to get you started.

(Just a note: We will not be getting any more yearly journals in but we recommend grabbing two of our 6-month journals and signing up here so you can be the first to get our 2019 yearly for a discounted price.)

Each month will include a verse, space to write a request or two related to the month’s theme and either a written out prayer or list of prompt ideas.

So here we are, kicking off the year with January. We’re talking about a Fresh Start, a new beginning.

Grab your worksheet here! You’ll also get access to our full Resource Library and all future prompt worksheets by signing up below!

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Comments (6)

Hey!! Email info@valmariepaper.com. Maybe with a screenshot to see the exact issue?? Kara should be able to take care of that for you!!