A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Our NEW online prayer course


Developing a Fluency in Prayer Course by Val Marie Paper, prayer journal, spiritual growth, new year, resolution, word of the year, cultivate, war room, notebook, church, Bible study, women's ministry, motherhoodHave you ever questioned whether or not prayer actually makes a difference?

Do you strain your ears to hear the voice of God, yet are met with silence on the other end?

Has there been a time where you knew you needed to pray with someone, but felt too uncomfortable or embarrassed to make a move?

If you are really honest, would you say that there have been times where you just didn’t really feel like praying at all?

Guess what, you’re not alone. As we surveyed our audience with this course on the horizon, we kept hearing these same things come up over and over again. And our hearts ached because we know these struggles ourselves all too well.

Prayer is kinda mysterious. It can sometimes seem like another language altogether… and that’s because it is. It’s not physical the way other languages are, it’s deeply spiritual and unseen. Every time we bow our heads some pretty crazy stuff is taking place. There is a God who’s ready to listen and work, but there are also forces that want to keep us from uttering a word. (Eph 6:12) And seeing as to our answers to those questions above, they’ve been doing a pretty good job of it.

But that doesn’t have to be the way it is! Because of the cross, we ought to experience a truly fulfilling and powerful prayer life. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence…” CONFIDENCE. Can you imagine what would happen if that was the way we prayed?

Through this course, we want to offer you a solid foundation of truth about prayer that breaks through the internal obstacles you face and gives you super practical and easy-to-follow tips to help you also tear down the external obstacles that defeat you. If we can do that, you will be PRAYING! You will be talking to the God of the universe on a consistent basis and learning to tune your ear to Him. And with that, you’ll be tuned in to whatever purposes He has for your life. You, my friend, don’t have to spend another year plagued by anxiety, depression, and doubt, missing out on all He has to offer you.

This is huge and it means the course is really, and I mean really, extensive. But it’s all aimed at the goal of helping you pray confidently and consistently. If you follow through on what we share, you’ll

  • have proof that prayer really matters, that it has the power to change things
  • gain a few more techniques for when things start to feel stale
  • be ready to hear the Lord by embracing times of silence & solitude
  • integrate Scripture & prayer effectively to align your heart with truth
  • experience community like you never have before by praying with and for others
  • identify which obstacles are holding you back and combat them with truth
  • find that a deeper prayer life cultivates more joy and peace than you could have imagined

Our hope is that you will join with others in real life to journey through these lessons. And the best part is, it’s only 1 price whether your purchasing as an individual or group.


Get the course here!!

Oh, and if you were thinking of getting Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday for a group, pre-order 10 copies on Amazon and get the prayer course FREE! Just email your receipt to info@valmariepaper.com and Kara will get you the code.

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