A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


On the Podcast: Vibrancy


Does your prayer time feel like talking to a brick wall? Are you desiring more passion and consistency in your prayers? Listen in to learn to transform your daily prayers into a time of refreshment with the Lord!

Ep. 41: Vibrancy with Michelle Myers

In this episode, Val talks with author and She Works His Way founder, Michelle Myers, about what her own vibrant prayer life looks like in real life. She gives specific and practical examples of how praying continually is not passive, but exciting and active.



Some highlights from today’s episode:

  • 5:30 Michelle’s prayer routine
  • 9:45 What she does when she’s in a rut
  • 12:30 How you can pray with someone else
  • 16:30 How you can pray with your spouse or kids
  • 22:10 A refreshing way to pray
  • 28:12 The biggest answered prayers in Michelle’s life
  • 31:07 The biggest “no’s” Michelle has received
  • 36:24 How prayer was modeled for her as a child
  • 39:00 How Michell would like to grow her prayer life

Michelle loves reminding women of the gospel-centered purpose for their work – both at home and in their careers. She serves alongside her husband, James, at Biltmore Church in Asheville, NC and loves making family memories with their three kids – Noah, Cole and Shea. She co-leads a ministry for working women called She Works His Way with her best friend, Somer Phoebus. Their book, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World is a great first step to connect with the SWHW mission. You can also join their network at sheworksHisway.com.

She Works His Way website | She Works His Way Instagram

Things mentioned in today’s episode:

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Ep. 42: How to Add Vibrancy to Your Prayer Life

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Ep. 43: A Prayer for Vibrancy

Feeling like your prayer life could use a little “oomph”? Pop your headphones in and listen to this short prayer asking God to reignite your prayer life.

  • Confess how you’ve seen prayer in the past or even how you see it now.
  • Remember your creative creator and think of how you can reflect that back to God.
  • Ask the Lord if any prayers have become mindless for you.
  • Sit in silence and acknowledge the Holy Spirit.


If you enjoyed this prayer, it has been adapted from my book Springboard Prayers. If you were encouraged by it and would like 124 other prayers to read when you don’t have the words, grab a copy at valmariepaper.com.

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Want to pray more?

Grab my recent training all about how to pray more at valmariepaper.com/newyear. We’ll talk about what to do so you succeed using our journals and give advice for possible obstacles and tips on how to customize your journal to fit your needs. And if you don’t have a prayer journal, feel free to tune in to see if our format would be a good fit for you!

Click here to get a prayer journal for 2024!

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