A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Journal pre-orders begin today!!


UPDATE!! Sweet pinterest friends thanks for popping over! We debut a new cover each year and have our current collection available in our new shop here!! We now have women’s, men’s and kid’s and even pregnancy prayer journals as well as a spiral hardbound yearly prayer journal!

prayerjournalsHappy Monday Y’all! I start my maternity leave tomorrow but I could not help but share our prayer journals early!! I had originally planned to only order a small batch in time for Christmas, but the response has been so incredible, I wanted to do pre-orders to ensure I ordered enough! Many of you have mentioned giving these as Christmas gifts this year. Now is the time to order for those! All orders placed in the month of October will ship out when I get back from maternity leave on November 1.

Earlier this year, I had on my to-do list to make myself a prayer journal. I had been using standard moleskin notebooks and each month would list out friends and families names and add what their needs were. It was never organized enough for the thoughts. And I felt like I bounced around so much.


After creating the prototype and using a few months myself, my prayer life has been changed dramatically. Each day I grab my journal and pray through the requests. Sometimes I don’t make it through all of them, in which case I pick up where I left off the next day. It has made my prayer time so much more focused (AKA no day dreaming or getting distracted in the middle when I’m just not sure what all I need to be praying for).


The prayer journal is 6 months long. I kept it at half a year because I wanted it to be small and able to carry with you, slim enough to stick in your Bible or purse. And for completely silly reasons, I LOVE starting a new notebook and getting to do that twice a year, I knew would keep things fresh and me using the journals.  ; )

I didn’t just fill it up with fuzzy fun categories. Some may challenge you to dig a little deeper into your prayer life and plan ahead before the month starts.


Each month features a little phrase to inspire the season.  Then, I started with prayer requests for the world as a mental reminder (mainly to myself) that this world does not revolve around my needs. My needs are actually at the end. This simple placement has been so good for my soul and has constantly reminded me how much bigger the world is!


Following the The World and Our Nation are My Loves. This can be a spouse, significant other, your kids. If you are not married and hope to be one day, I would pray for your future spouse here, too! How cool to tell them later that you had been praying for them before you even knew who they were. : )

My Family and My Friends follow. Pretty self-explanatory.

Then we have Those Hurts. Y’all this is a big one. I originally had Those Enemies but thought the wording was a bit strong. However, the Bible talks so much about praying for your enemies, those people that have hurt you. Any pain or unforgiveness you have. This is where to put it. I’ll be honest, this is a hard one to pray and sometimes I skip it. But when I do pray over it, my heart is changed to that person and it is so powerful.


Personal. For all those things that pertain to you.

Three Untitled Sections. Sometimes, you have friends who have the same need. This section is actually what inspired the journal. I remember hearing in a week or so of a bunch of people trying to conceive. Some I have barely never met and only knew through social media, but I knew I wanted to pray for them in this way. For you, your topics will probably reflect the season of life you are in. For me, now my categories are “Pregnancies”, “New Mommies” and “Businesses” (since so many of my friends are entrepreneurs as well). If you are about to graduate college, you may have “Finding a Job” with a list of those who are looking. Others might be “Salvation”, “Health-Related”, “Finding their Passion,” etc.


Extra Sections. The final two pages are some of my favorites! Answered Prayers, a full page to thank God for all the ways he’s worked in the last month. And Scripture. I have been trying to meditate on God’s word more and this has been such a great way to add it to my day. I pick a verse or two each month that pertains to what I’m needing reminders of and fill my head with truth.


I fill it out each month. If I know the prayer needs of the people in my life already, I write those down. If I don’t, I text them. : ) It’s that easy. Next, if I already know areas to pray for in the world and nation, I write thoughts down. If I don’t, I do a little research. I look at countries that friends have mentioned or visited. This is a powerful part of transforming my prayer from simply all about me to something bigger. It has given me such a grateful heart for everything I do have.



The cover features my favorite Bible verse in the world, 1 Thes. 5:16-18. Each month is 7 pages long, with 6 months per journal. You can purchase either the 6 Month Journal (Either Jan – June in Coral or Kraft or July – Dec in Vanilla or Bermuda) or the Yearly Set (Jan – Dec in Coral and Vanilla or Jan – Dec in Kraft and Bermuda). And if you’d like to get started on using your journal before the new year starts, we also have an undated option (in Kraft) which simply has a line for you to add what month you are on.


There are discounts for ordering 3 or more if you are planning to purchase one for you and a few gifts. Also, we’ve had some mention ordering for retreats, Bible study groups and even conferences so we have additional discounts for ordering 50 or more or even 300 or more. See the coupon codes in the information of the listing to get your discount!


All pre-orders today will be added to our Paper Belles so you will receive our recipe cards going out tomorrow! : )

Y’all, I have prayed over these journals for a while now. It’s actually in my journal. ; ) I hope they will mean as much to you as it has to me!!


Pretty Photos / Pretty Calligraphy / Pretty Journal Writing

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