A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Stress is a Buzzword


stressWe had a stressful day. We have stressful clients. We have stressful wedding seasons. (I’d say this at least every April and October when I was a wedding planner.) It’s hard to go a full conversation without someone mentioning how stressful life is at the moment. If you search stress on pinterest, you will find a million quotes, tips, affects on the body. It’s a buzzword. But what does that even mean?

Right now is most definitely a busy season for me! I’ve got a website to update and new collection to launch in t-minus 13 days. (Eeek!) And that Vivi to get ready for. 😉

While reading 1,000 Gifts, I got slapped in the face with the answer and had to remind myself of some hard and honest truth during this current “stressful” time.

The author says stress may be a way to prove how indispensable I am or worse, my way of disguising my fear as stress somehow seems braver.

Sometimes I even feel productive if I’m stressed about something I’m working on because I feel like I’m at least giving it attention. I can’t believe I’m admitting that. It sounds so silly.  I’d never consciously say “I need to stress about this to check it off my list” but I feel better doing this than neglecting it.

But what is the best thing to combat that stress? Voskamp says TRUST. It reminds us God is indispensable, not us, and replaces my fear. Trust and fear have a hard time co-existing. But how cool is this verse? Trust and JOY go perfect together! ; )

“Oh, the joys of those who trust the LORD” (Psalm 40:4). 


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