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Vivi’s Capsule Wardrobe

6.6.2014 • 2 Comments

photo 3I have been wanting to share a bit about Vivi’s wardrobe for a while now. She gets so many sweet compliments on her wardrobe and accessories and the truth is, you’ve probably seen most of it if you’ve looked through her hashtag #vivimae because she doesn’t have a ton of clothes.

When we found out I was having a girl, I immediately braced myself knowing things could QUICKLY spin out of control in the wardrobe department. There are just so many cute things out there, and I had heard tons of new moms say their little ones never got a chance to wear some things before they outgrew them because they had so much stuff.

Vivi is not deprived I’m not deprived of shopping by any means! She likes her Gap just like momma, but just like momma, she only shops when it’s 40% off!

So back to Vivi’s capsule wardrobe.

Here were a few of my goals.

1. I really wanted to get her things that I knew would be versatile. She literally has ONE drawer full of clothes that currently fit her. That’s it. And I like it that way. The downside, is it can get pretty messy and unorganized. If one top only matches one bottom, finding it is going to be a challenge.

2. I wanted plenty of basics. Skinny jeans, white jeans, chambray bloomers and gray terry cloth shorts are her main bottoms and they all work with almost all of her tops.

3. This girl looks like a tomato if she’s been in the car for 10 minutes in the summer (it’s already summer in South Louisiana) so pink and red make her look even redder. Which inevitably sparks the whole “look at the poor, neglected sunburnt child!!” stares. ; ) The gal looks like a doll in purple, so purple it is!!

4. We are home a lot. Her daily attire is a onesie and shorts (seriously I’m obsessed with her terry cloth shorts) and I just take her shorts off and put her sleep sack on for naps so she’s extra comfy.

5. I love little strappy, fluttery sleeves on her. This white one from the gap is one of my favorites!

6. Vivi’s “seasons” are more determined by how fast she grows or destroys an outfit and less by the calendar so shopping happens when needed. It’s just a lot more controlled! ; )

vivicapsulewardrobe2 photo vivicapsulewardrobeI started to post links to all the clothes and accessories, but they are pretty much all from the Gap.  Headband sources are Wild JuniperLittle Hip Squeaks and To the Moon Kids photo 1-4I had to share two funny outtakes! A sneeze and a little freakout! ; )




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Comments (2)

ah! the cuteness1 this was awesome! I really want some headbands for Felicity Grace but I’m on a contentment challenge until August so it will have to wait…dang it! lol.