A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


What makes our prayer journals different?

8.13.2019 • 1 Comment

Launch day for our 2020 Yearly Prayer Journals is here! Around this time there’s always a lot of excitement from those who are previous journal users. Y’all love to share with your friends (thank you!!) and we end up getting quite a few new followers. Your excitement draws them in, but when they start looking around they might wonder (or maybe that’s you today!), “What is so different about this prayer journal?” Maybe they even think, “I can grab one at Amazon or a blank notebook at Target for much cheaper.”

And while we’re not saying our journal is for everyone, there’s so much to it that makes it worth far more than the equivalency of the price of a cup of coffee per month you pay to get it in your hands. It’s purposefully crafted to draw your focus in to prayer, have diverse conversations with the Lord and help you form a daily habit.

What makes our prayer journals different? by Val Marie Paper | Valerie Woerner, prompts, bullet journaling, diy, how to start a, christian planner, 2020, new year, goals, faith, ideas, notebook, war room, make a, pages

Jessica B. recently said that when she started using hers, it was “like going from an old jaloppy to a ferrari.” If our journal could make that kind of impact in your life too, we want you to know it. So today, we we’re giving you a look behind the scenes to help you discern whether it’s worth the cost.


No magic! Here are the tried and true facts.

PROMPTED – The first tabbed section of our yearly, “Monthly Prompts” is the key to our prayer journals. Different sections like, World & Nation, My Loves, Salvation, Big Goals, etc.  help you get your prayer requests organized and may even open your eyes to an area you’ve neglected to pray for. You fill out all your prompts at the very beginning of the month and then you go back each day and pray over one or two prompts a day. What we love about it is that your mind doesn’t have to spend time thinking (AKA get distracted with), “What should I pray for today?” It’s already written out, ready for you to dive in!

STRUCTURED – This is probably the most basic characteristic, but its worth mentioning for those who have never prayer journaled at all. This tool helps you prayerfully plan what you pray for. It doesn’t mean you can’t pray beyond that, in fact, we hope it’s just a jumping off point. At it’s core, it helps you remember all the times you said “I’ll pray for you” and becomes a place for your eyes to land. Having a plan set out is also likely to give you the motivation to come back each day. A blank journal can lead many personalities to overwhelm. I personally love the idea of bullet journaling, but realistically I could never get consistent with it. I need structure. Although we encourage you to make it your own, we offer a simple structure to get you started: 1) Start by writing down three gratitudes in the Gratitude Section. 2) Pray over 1-2 prompt sections a day. 3) Write out your prayers 1-3 times a week in the Conversation Section.

MONTHLY – We like to say that this journal is a monthly format that helps you pray daily. After you fill out the prompts once at the beginning of the month, they’re there for you each day after that. We want to help you verbalize your prayers even when you don’t have the time to fill something out every day. When you do need a little extra space to express your heart, we provide a tabbed Conversation Section with enough space for writing out your prayers 1-3 times a week. Even though there’s not a lot of pressure day-to-day, we keep you accountable with a monthly check point. You’ll wrap up by looking back over your requests, filling out your Answered Prayers, then spending some time prepping for the month ahead.

PURPOSEFULLY SIMPLE – A couple years ago we set out to niche down and focus our company on prayer alone. Because of this we’re freed up to dedicate our time and energy to providing you with the most practical prayer tools possible. The design of the prayer journal itself is beautiful, but minimal. We stay away from things like patterns and lots of things going on in order to relax your mind as you come to it each day. Claire K. once said, “It has just enough prompting for guidance with just enough blank space for customization.” We get requests for other features, like a planner, to be included but we feel strongly that the only purpose of this journal should be prayer. When you enter that time with the Lord, we don’t want anything to pull you away and we know sometimes too many features can paralyze us instead of motivate us.

NOT JUST FOR QUIET TIME – Our journal is meant to help you pray throughout the day. We believe wholeheartedly in “praying without ceasing” and hope you’ll set it up as you wash the dishes, pray through a few items while you’re on your morning walk or pull it out at the doctor’s office. I can’t even begin to list all the ways you can use your journal throughout the day here, but we recently wrote another blog post with a ton of ideas! It’s called “My daily prayer routine”.

COMMUNITY – I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that we just might be the only company dedicated to specifically selling prayer products. Because of that, we invest countless hours in encouraging you to follow through. We give you prayer peptalks on social media and the blog, provide heftier trainings on things like how to use your journal or how prayer transforms your mind (the topic of our webinar coming up!). However, one of the biggest ways we’ve tried to invest in you is through our online prayer course–9 modules packed with lessons on how to become a confident and consistent prayer warrior. We believe so much in its ability to transform your prayer life that we’re actually offering a bundle option. Get our prayer course + yearly journal bundled together for only $99 (valued at $172). We’re not going to let you walk this journey alone, friend. When you choose our journal, you’ll also get the encouragement and tools you need to stay on track.

Like I said, we just launched our YearlyPrayer Journal today.


The journals will ship out in October or November in plenty of time for Christmas gifts and to begin using in January.

What makes our prayer journals different? by Val Marie Paper | Valerie Woerner, prompts, bullet journaling, diy, how to start a, christian planner, 2020, new year, goals, faith, ideas, notebook, war room, make a, pagesWhat makes our prayer journals different? by Val Marie Paper | Valerie Woerner, prompts, bullet journaling, diy, how to start a, christian planner, 2020, new year, goals, faith, ideas, notebook, war room, make a, pagesWhat makes our prayer journals different? by Val Marie Paper | Valerie Woerner, prompts, bullet journaling, diy, how to start a, christian planner, 2020, new year, goals, faith, ideas, notebook, war room, make a, pages


Because we have a short window for pre-orders (now – August 27), we would be ever so grateful if you shared this with any friends you think would love this product! Pin one of the images on this page to Pinterest or share on Instagram or Facebook!

Here’s where I go tough on the sell. (Which I hate doing!!) We’ve seen this product change lives and if we can change yours too in a positive way, we’ll get a little salesy for a minute. We’d love for you to take the leap.

  • If you’ve been talking about deepening your prayer life for a long time
  • If you’ve attempted to make your own journal, but can’t stay consistent
  • If you’ve never believed you could be a prayer warrior

Know that I have been there. I was there 6 years ago and right now, I’m experiencing prayer like I never expected. And listen, I grew up knowing the power of prayer. So for someone like me to struggle in prayer, I know that if that was never modeled for you or if this whole prayer thing is new, you don’t have to figure it all out alone!!

Feel free to join our live webinar if you’d like to hear more about how, when we truly commit to prayer, our minds can’t help but be transformed! Click here to sign up!


I’m afraid of not using it enough!

We’re right here with you every step of the way! We’ve created video tutorials on how to prep your journal and how to use it in daily life. Remember, any progress is progress! Even my first journal had lots of blank space in it at the end of the year–the important thing is that growth happened. Honestly, this is one reason we created the course. So you can hold your hand and motivate you if you get a little stuck along the way! Now is the perfect time to get the course in the prayer course + yearly journal bundle. This package was made to help you follow through! Dive into the things that are holding you back from a life of prayer and enter 2020 primed for growth.

Will you sell out?

Yes. We cannot emphasize this enough! We get questions throughout the year about yearly journals, but since they are a dated product, we stop selling them when they sell out–usually by December/January. Specific colors may sell out even before then, so if you have your eye on one, make sure to grab it! It won’t sell out during launch though so if you need a couple days to talk to the hubby or pick a color, don’t fret! With that said, we’ve seen people forget to come back and miss $7 off so put it on your calendar to order before August 27!

Will it go on sale?

No. We are faithful to those who pre-order during our launch period from August 13-27 for $40 instead of $47. Yearlys will not be discounted after that, even if we have some left at the beginning of 2020. Yep, even on Black Friday it will be $47. Now is the absolute best time to buy.

How is the Yearly different than the 6-month journal?

Our spiral bound, linen yearly journal is dated with hand-lettered months by Lindsay Letters. In the prompts section, it contains four extra prompts: Salvation, Big Goals, Adoration, and Monthly Challenge. Where the 6-month journal contains the prompts section only, the yearly journal has two additional tabbed sections with lined paper for Conversation (writing out your prayers) and Gratitude. Our Compose Journal (6-Month) will return to the shop in fresh new colors September 4.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! Starting this year, we are taking international orders every day!

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Comments (2)

How do I pre-order? The website shows everything as sold out, and although I can apparently enter my e-mail address to be notified when the journals become available, I don’t see any way to select a color or pay.

Hey!! We actually launch tomorrow morning but just got everything up tonight to be ahead of the game! We juuuuust added quantities so you can order now though!! Woohoo! First order! 🙂