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What to pray for your kids

7.18.2018 • 2 Comments

What to pray for your kids by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, Christian parenting, praying for your kids, teach kids to pray, prayer journal, prayer, motherhood, parenting

So, the other day we talked about those unique moments when it’s not time to pray for your kids but CLEARLY we should be praying for our kids a whole lot! I have found such comfort and surrender with my kids as I’ve prayed for them over the years.

We’ve prayed about their names.

We’ve prayed about their deliveries.

We’ve prayed about their safety.

We’ve prayed about sleep.  

We’ve prayed about their food palates.

We’ve prayed about salvation.

We’ve prayed about gratitude.

We’ve prayed about courage.

And if all those prayers have taught me anything, it’s that God hears and cares. No, not every prayer has been answered how I’d hoped but it’s given me more opportunities than I can count as I see God’s hand at work.

Motherhood has brought me to my knees more than I ever expected. I thought I’d struggle more to pray, and true, it’s harder to get quiet “quiet times” these days, but I see my own need so much for more God and my tether is much shorter than I used to pretend it was. I’m so much more dependent on Him than I could have ever imagined.

Today, I wanted to share a few prayers to help you find the right words to pray for your kids.

7 prayers for your kids


Father, may ______ feel love and acceptance in our home that can only be attributed to you. May our mistakes point them to just what a gracious and forgiving God you are. I pray you would grab hold of their heart at an early age, ignite a passion in them and let nothing quench that thirst until they find you and accept salvation. I pray that they would not be pulled away from you by the world, friends or hurts caused by people they know to be believers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  


Father, I know  ______ is safest in your arms. Thank you for loving them more than I ever could. Hide them in the “shadow of your wing” (Psalm 17:8). Protect them from evil schemes, health issues and unnecessary pain. And the valleys they must walk through, I pray they are abiding so faithfully in you that your presence overwhelms them so that even in trials, they can “count it all joy” (James 1:2-4). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  


Father, I cannot wait to see the plan you have for ______’s life. Lord, let me not overstep my boundaries and make plans that you did not ordain. It’s so easy for me to feel like I know what’s best but I want your vision fulfilled, not mine. I pray that you would fill ______ with wisdom to know the next right step to take and courage to actually take it. I pray that you would give them confidence in the sound of your voice. Whatever their future holds, I pray your kingdom would be glorified. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  


Father, I pray that you would instill in ______ a love for those around them and a heart at peace. I pray _____ would find such contentment in you that joy is their most natural response. May they not be dragged down by the things of this world, but have eyes set on eternity that fill them with such hope even when things look despairing. Give them a heart of gratitude that fills their life with such pure joy that no one can steal. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Father, I pray that you would give _____ a heart for people. Give them Jesus-colored glasses that see people the way you see them. Let them feel the immense joy that comes in serving others so fully that it only excites them to look for more opportunities to love and serve. Use them as instruments to heal a hurting world and though it’s not always possible, allow them to get a glimpse at what a difference they make. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What to pray for your kids by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, Christian parenting, praying for your kids, teach kids to pray, prayer journal, prayer, motherhood, parenting


Father, I pray that _____ would have an accurate picture of their identity in you. As the world tries to label them different things, I pray those labels wouldn’t stick and instead, how you see _____ will drown out the opinions of the world. I pray they would know how fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) they are and that it will radically change their life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Father, flood ______ with your peace. Let the worries of the world pale in comparison to their righteous fear of you. I pray, that no matter what life brings, they feel nestled in your arms. I pray that they know your goodness and trust you in every circumstance. I pray that they would learn to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and replace any lies from the devil with truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

As you’re praying these prayers, don’t forget to expect an answer! I actually created the Kid’s Legacy Prayer Journal with exactly that in mind. Each page has one section to write a prayer and then another section to record God’s response. Recording the Lord’s faithfulness as your kids grow up not only impacts your own prayer life, but leaves a legacy for them to receive as a gift on their graduation day, wedding day, or even the day that they become a parent!

What are the things that you pray most for your kids? Leave a comment! And sign up below to grab a free PDF of these 7 prayers for your kids!

COMING UP NEXT: How to teach your kids about God


When we don’t need to pray for our kids

What to pray as you parent

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Comments (2)

Hi Val,
I really appreciate you sharing these prayers – they resonate with my heart in putting words to my own desire for my three young children. I’ve been wandering around your website and enjoying seeing all it is you offer here. Our church in VA is putting together a Bible study for young moms through the summertime and we are thinking of using your new book. It looks great and I am excited about it!