A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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Why choose our journals


Google “prayer journal” and you’ll come up with limitless listings. You’ll see journals of all kinds. And while we don’t believe you must choose a prayer journal, if you need that extra guidance to make prayer happen, we’ve worked hard so that we can confidently say ours is the best option.

A few years ago, Val led us, as a company, to pair down our collection and focus in on prayer. Our slogan became “where prayer meets practical” and we eliminated products and ideas that competed with that. Our prayer journals are not just one of the many products in our shop. This is our mission. It’s our heartbeat to help believers grow their prayer lives.

Because of this intense focus, our prayer journals are purposefully crafted to draw your focus to prayer, help you form a daily habit, and have stirring conversations with the Lord.

We spend all year listening to you, taking notes, observing and praying so that each year, we can release a journal that will energize your prayer life. And while we stand behind that for years past, this year feels different. I’m getting chills writing this.

Val inspired our team this year with the vision to go deeper than ever before. All sorts of ideas came out of this (some of which we’re working on for next year!), but one thing was a brand new prayer journal that would be a part of a new prayer-growth system. Let me explain.

Why choose our journals by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, how to, DIY, notebook, spiral, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray

Compose, Rhythms and Signature Prayer Journals

Our little paperback Compose Prayer Journal was the first journal Val created. She designed it during a time when she had many thoughts swirling around in her mind and needed something that would organize her requests and keep her focused in prayer. This is STILL our top recommendation for those who sit down to pray only to find themselves scrolling through Instagram 5 minutes later or feel like their prayer life lacks structure and effectiveness. Because it’s a 6-month, undated journal for only $15, it’s a low threshold for people to just jump in and give our format a try. (These will be re-released in new colors and covers on September 8.)

After adding a prayer journal for kids, men and pregnancy, the next journal Val designed for women was the Yearly Prayer Journal, now called the Rhythms Prayer Journal. This journal is for those who want to develop a consistent habit of prayer. Because it’s dated with each month of the year, it helps the user to see their yearly prayer story all in one place. It has lined pages in the second and third sections to write out prayers and gratitudes a few times per week, but the focus is learning to use your Monthly Prompts section to pray daily for a whole year.

The newest addition to our collection is the 6-month, undated Signature Prayer Journal. Beyond focus, beyond consistency, our hope for this prayer journal is that it will help you pray expectantly and that your life would be an outflow of time with the Lord. If you’ve had success with our format and are ready for a new challenge or if you’re new, coming to us with a consistent prayer habit already, this is your journal. There are two things that make this journal stand out from our other journals. First, along with a page for answered prayers (now called God Answers) there is a “God Speaks” prompt. We’re challenging you to take time to listen expectantly to His voice and record what you hear throughout the month. Second, there are 29 lined pages at the end of each month’s prompts. Ideally, you would use one page each day to record your prayers and gratitudes. To give you some perspective, there are 109 lined pages in our Rhythms Prayer Journal for one year. There are 174 lined pages in our Signature Prayer Journal for 6 months.

So, what you’ll find is that we’re pivoting from the one-size-fits-all approach that you’ll find from many other prayer journal retailers. We’ve developed a plan for you to go from dinner time pray-er to prayer warrior.

Why choose our journals by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, how to, DIY, notebook, spiral, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray

This year, we’re also adding a fun new way to customize how you use your journals even more. Each year as we survey our audience, we’ll get requests for things related to motherhood, marriage, singleness and more. To accommodate such differing requests, we created add-on packets and a snap-in tab. The plastic tab is made to tape in to-do lists, Scripture or one of the pages from our Starter Pack and Best of VMP Pack. The Starter Pack includes a devotional for each new month to keep you motivated as you prep and a blank calendar to keep track of important dates you want to pray over within the month. The Best of VMP Pack includes some of our current favorite resources like House Prayers, Affirmations, Attributes of God, Ongoing Requests lists which can be easily moved to the following month and more. We’re hoping to release packets related to singleness, marriage, pregnancy, helpful scriptures and more. Leave a comment if you’d like to see anything specific in the future!

Why choose our journals by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, how to, DIY, notebook, spiral, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray

We really want to make sure your is journal super usable, something that doesn’t just sit next to your bed taunting you but something you maximize. Through our blog, Instagram and Facebook group, we are not just here to sell you a journal, but to help you excitedly rip open the package and use it!

If you’re curious about which journal we might recommend to you, take the quiz linked here to get your custom recommendation or DM us @ValMariePaper.

Why choose our journals by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, how to, DIY, notebook, spiral, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray

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