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2021 Goals

1.4.2021 • 3 Comments

2021 Goals by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, prayer, ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, praying for your kids, prayer warrior, war room, how to pray, pregnancy, praying for your baby, praying for your husband, books, reads, book list, tools, resources, life, goals, intentions, resolutions, new year

Welcome to our annual goal series! Each weekday from December 29 – January 7, we’ll have a new post about wrapping up 2020 and launching into 2021. Check back in each day for fresh motivation!

Every year I use my Powersheets to plan out my goals and set them for the month, but I haven’t been utilizing it for the daily features. Now that I have my own desk, I will be using it and even trying to figure out the best ways to make the most of it like I do with our prayer journal and my planner.

Here are my goals for 2021!  

1. Create enough consistency so I’m on a path to losing 20 pounds and keeping it off. 

This might feel too wordy. Just say, “lose 20 pounds,” right? Nope. I really want to lay a good foundation for healthy changes so my goal ultimately isn’t to lose the weight but to be headed in that direction. My ideas for mini-goals (broken down quarterly):

  • Get sugar intake down by half
  • Get a good meal prep routine going
  • Get serious about Histamine diet for 1-2 months
  • Get into pilates or barre

2. Release the prayer book and have 10,000 copies pre-ordered. 

This is a huge goal for me! Many of y’all know, I’m praying for 100,000 copies of the prayer book sold. Which is pretty much impossible without the Lord. I felt Him prompting me to pray for this so I’m going for it. If it happens, you’ll know who gets full credit! 😉 Mini goal ideas:

  • Host a prayer group – We’ll be testing out some content I hope to share soon!
  • Create a marketing plan early (We’ll be pitching podcasts, blogs, etc. so if you have one and want to talk prayer and the new book, email kara@valmariepaper.com!)
  • Implement the plan
  • Host launch team

3. Celebrate family milestones well. 

We are welcoming two new babies (one on the Met side and one on the Woerner side) and I really want to be available to help where I can. So often, I plan work and forget to leave room for big personal things, but this year we’re keeping the calendar pretty clear so I can do this!

  • Host Maddie’s shower 
  • Host Natalie’s shower
  • Be available emotionally (send prayers, verses, advice) and physically (babysitting, chores, cooking).
  • Help celebrate my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary! 

4. Make much-needed repairs and updates to our house. 

We’ve been in our home for almost 7 years and have done almost no repairs even though there’s plenty of things broken. 🙂

  • Walls & Doors – Painting, fixing cabinets
  • Lighting
  • Outdoor area
  • Kitchen counters

5. Speak words of life to the people around me and myself. 

I can naturally go negative and catch myself saying jokesy criticism (jokesy makes it feel ok?) with Tyler and even the girls more than I hope. I also want to speak more positively to myself!

  • Write a song. This sounds odd but I used to play guitar and write songs and so often even now, hymns come out my mouth when I want to go negative. I’d love to write a song that will shift my mindset to speaking life. 
  • Start the day with affirmations. Like the ones in our Best of VMP pack
  • Send encouraging text messages to friends out of the blue. 
  • Write a quick encouraging note to Tyler and the girls every week.

6. Finish parenting course and implement 3 tips.

So often I just feel ill-equipped to parent and just what we’ve learned so far in this course has been helpful. Things got super busy and we took a break from it and want to pick it back up!

  • Finish watching videos
  • Implement tip 1
  • Implement tip 2
  • Implement tip 3

7. Financial goal. 

I’m waiting to talk to Tyler about what our specific goal will be but we are still terrible at budgeting and want to get better at it! 

  • Read a finance book
  • Set up non-negotiable habits 
  • Follow budget 
  • Have “no spend” days

8. Live more spirit-led.

The last 4 months have been so difficult. I’ve struggled to make decisions and feel confident in where God was calling me forward. In 2021, I really desire to live more fully “led, not driven”

  • In-depth study of a few books of the Bible
  • Read through the whole Bible in 90 days!! This one scares me but I’ll be listening on my Bible app. I want to immerse myself in Scripture in a totally different way than studying a book in depth. 
  • Add more questions to my prayer journal
  • Get back in the habit of using one of our discontinued products–expectant cards

Ok, so that’s it!! What goals do you have for 2021?

Signature Prayer Challenge
2020 Mistakes
2020 Answered Prayers
My 2020 Reads
2020 Life-Changers

COMING NEXT: My Word for 2021

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Comments (3)

[…] that shares regular updates! A few of my favorites and their 2021 goals: Lisa, Rhi, Lara, Nancy, Val, Shay, and Janssen. (Have another goal setter whose blog you love to follow? I’d love to hear […]

What kind of questions do you add to your prayer journal? That sounds interesting. -Meredith Goss//sunflowers.in.bloom