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25 Books in 2016

1.1.2016 • 7 Comments

Y’all know what a book nerd I am! Sharing what I hope to read in the coming year is always one of my favorite posts. Over the years, I’ve gotten more intentional about reading and have found so much fruit in it. This year is no different. You will see a definitely trend in how these books complement the goals I have for the year. I think to pursue our purpose, we have to find ongoing motivation along the way to keep us hungry for it.

2016booklistA few thoughts:

  • I went ahead and planned for 25 books again this year despite having a baby on the way because this is how I refresh and somehow I managed to read 25 despite not cracking open a book for 3 months. And technically there are a few more. The ones with ** are ones I’ll read if I finish 25.
  • Tyler and I talked about this idea of refreshment after a looong holiday week of social activity. I was so drained and I hated saying that after simply hanging out with family all week. And he was refreshed by lots of time with people. What refreshes me is alone time with books. If books overwhelm you, do NOT make this long of a list!! It will just feel like a chore.
  • I think it goes without saying but these books are great and can change your life but what’s not listed is the most life-changing book of all…the Bible. 😉 Cheesy but true!
  • This list will no doubt change like last year’s did based on different seasons that come up or what I feel a tug to read but I love having a good starting point.
  • If you’d like to keep up with what I’m reading throughout the year, I’m on Good Reads and will be updating now that I’m reading again or check out the hashtag #valandwords.
  • If you want to make time to read but aren’t sure how, check out this post I wrote a while back!

Here’s the list!


1. Writing in the Margins by Lisa Nichols Hickman
2. If by Mark Batterson –
3. Cold Tangerines by Shauna Neiquist
4. The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst
5. Wild and Free by Hayley Morgan and Jess Connolly – So excited for these gals!!
** The Finishing School by me 🙂 – I can’t wait to read it again and learn from all of you through the book club!! It’s actually on sale now on Amazon and should arrive early next week with Prime shipping!


6. The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey
7. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
8. Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth by Nick Murray – Part of Nancy Ray’s Book Club!
9. More or Less by Jeff Shinabarger – This book scares me. And I almost didn’t add it just because it scared me but I think that’s all the more reason that I need to read it.


10. The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller – I have started this one and LOVE it!!
11. His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley, Jr. – Another from Nancy’s list!
12. Nobody’s Cuter Than You by Melanie Shankle
13. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
14. Brave Mom by Sherry Surratt
15. Treasuring Christ Even When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman – The perfect post-baby read.
**You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan – If you are not a reader, my sister told me there is a great sermon series by Francis and Lisa
** Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Todd Tripp


16. Daily Rituals by Mason Currey – Books like these make me feel like an artist! I love being inspired by other people’s processes!
17. Business for the Glory of God by Wayne Grudem
18. Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders by Dave Earley
** Slight Edge by Jeff Olson


19. Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford
20. Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman – My friend Gretchen texted me after reading the blog post on my word for the year and said I had to read this one! I was so glad it was on my list and am moving it to the top of the list to read this year!
21. Simplify by Bill Hybels
22. Essentialism by Greg McKeown


23. Sugar Crush by Richard Jacoby and Samuel Baldelomar – Ah blissful sugar. I think it’s time I read the nitty gritty science of why sugar isn’t good for me. because knowing the general reasons doesn’t deter me.
24. No Sweat by Michelle Segar – Same for this book. I know I need to exercise but that still doesn’t get me moving every day. This book is about the science of motivation.
25. Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath

So there you have it!! What’s on your list? Have you read any of these??

Goal Setting Series:

Monday – What I read in 2015
Tuesday – My favorite resources for goal-setting
Wednesday – My Word for 2016
Thursday – 10 Goals and Verses for 2016
Friday –  25 books in 2016

And don’t forget to check out Natalie’s goal setting series too!!


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Comments (8)

[…] other day I came across Valerie’s post on her blog and I see she links the books she’s going to read to her […]

The Best Yes was a great easy read! I could just about relate to everything Lisa wrote. I hope you enjoy it too.

Yes! Simply Tuesday is so, so good. I also read the Go-Giver a few years ago and loved it! I posted my book list this morning: P.S. I love the books in your “Simple Life” section – adding those to my list!

im excited to try and read these books this year! there were a few from your 2015 list that i added as well. the last week of 2015 i turned off the tv and picked up books i had bought and it reminded me how much i love books and reading. do you have a printable list of these books by chance? I like to go and physically look at books before I buy them and would love to carry the list in my purse!

This is a great list. I’ll be adding some of these to my list. Brave Mom was one of my favorite books of 2015. It’s an easier read and spoke right to my heart.
Thanks for sharing.

We have some of the same books on each of our lists. I can’t wait to start your book & the book club. Last year I read Cold Tangerines and Nobody’s Cuter Than You and loved them! Happy New Year! xx

Gretchen suggested Simply Tuesday to me as well! I love that we all get to sharpen our minds together through reading and sharing what we learn as a community this year 🙂