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50 Books in 2024

1.4.2024 • 5 Comments

Welcome to Val’s annual goal series! We’ve been releasing a new goals-related blog post each day for the last 7 days and are closing it out with today’s post. 

I’ve said it before but I LOVE finding new books to read almost as much as I love actually reading them so sharing 50 books with you is one of my favorite things! 

50 books to read in 2024 by valerie woerner, goals series, new year, reading list, what to read this year, books on my list, reading goals, christian booksI’m curious to hear how you pick books. Do you find a lot of duds? Or books that aren’t theologically aligned like you thought? I shared some thoughts on how to discern what to read here if you need some tips. 

And like always, I find way more books than I can possibly read but I love sharing what I find in case it’s THE book you’d love this year!  


  1. Envy: A Big Problem You Didn’t Know You Had by Mike Fabarez
  2. Does God Want Us to Be Happy by Randy Alcorn
  3. Men Who Met God by AW Tozer
  4. Closer Than Your Next Breath by Susie Larson
  5. Sunday God Meets Monday Mom by Erin Greneaux
  6. Scribes and Scripture by John D Meade & Peter J Gurry
  7. Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer by Tyler Staton
  8. Empowered and Equipped: Bible Exposition for Women Who Teach the Scriptures by Julia B Higgins
  9. Sunday Matters: 52 Devotionals to Prepare Your Heart for Church by Paul David Tripp
  10. Fight For Your Pastor by Peter Orr
  11. Memorizing Scripture by Glenna Marshall
  12. The Surprising Genius in Jesus by Peter J Williams
  13. Redeeming Reason by Vern S Poythress
  14. Reading the Bible, Missing the Gospel by Ben Connelly 
  15. If God, Why Evil? By Norman Geisler
  16. Small-Batch Disciplemaking: A Rhythm for Training the Few to Reach the Many by David Sunde
  17. The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? by Jim Davis and Michael Graham
  18. The Power of a Humble Life by Richard E. Simmons III 
  19. Untangle Your Emotions: Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It by Jennie Allen

50 books to read in 2024 by valerie woerner, goals series, new year, reading list, what to read this year, books on my list, reading goals, christian booksLIFE

  1. Building Bounce by Marcus Warner and Stefanie Hinmin
  2. Drawing the Line by Katie Crocco
  3. Built to Move by Kelly and Juliet Starrett
  4. The Joy Switch by Chris M Coursey
  5. The Negativity Fast by Anthony Iannarino
  6. The Mountain is You by Brianna West
  7. Getting Over Yourself by Dean Inserra
  8. Enough About Me by Jen Oshman
  9. Life in Five Senses by Gretchen Rubin
  10. The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt
  11.  The Ultimate Guide To Red Light Therapy  by Ari Whitten
  12. How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally: Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery by Wendy K Laidlaw
  13. The 7 Resolutions: Where Self-Help Ends and God’s Power Begins by Karl Clauson


  1. Meal Prep Magic by Catherine McCord
  2. Dinner Tonight: 100 Simple, Healthy Recipes for Every Night of the Week by Alex Snodgrass
  3. 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential by Zan Tyler
  4. The Prayer Saturated Family by Cheryl Sack
  5. Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World by Kathy Koch
  6. Parenting Differently by Kathy Koch
  7. A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free by Dannah Gresh
  8. 52 Things Kids Need from a Mom: What Mothers Can Do to Make a Lifelong Difference by Angela Thomas 
  9. Write It On Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids by Chris Swain and Melissa Swain 
  10. The Worry-Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too by Sissy Goff
  11. Start with the Heart: How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Compassionate, Responsible, and Brave by Kathy Koch 


  1. 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy
  2. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes
  3. Writing for Busy Readers by Tood Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink
  4. Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport
  5. 1000 Words: A Writer’s Guide to Staying Creative, Focused, and Productive All Year Round by Jami Attenberg
  6. The Writer’s Process: Getting Your Brain in Gear by Anne Janzer
  7. The Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free by Emma Gannon
  8. The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

And if you’re looking for some more good books to add to your list, here are mine:

  1. The Finishing School
  2. Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday
  3. Fresh Start for Moms
  4. Pray Confidently and Consistently
  5. Springboard Prayers

Any pique your interest? What did I miss? What’s on your list of books to read this year? 

The goal series may be finished, but the party’s not over!

50 books to read in 2024 by valerie woerner, goals series, new year, reading list, what to read this year, books on my list, reading goals, christian books


Learn how prayer changes our minds and affects our anxiety, dread and stress. It’s taking place January 10 at noon CST! And you can sign up now right here


Also note that if you choose to shop through the links in this post, I may receive a small commission!50 books to read in 2024 by valerie woerner, goals series, new year, reading list, what to read this year, books on my list, reading goals, christian books

Make 2024 the Most Prayerful Year Yet

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Comments (7)

I made a few recipes from Meal Prep Magic it was a delight! I checked the book out from my local library.

Thanks for sharing! I definitely stole some from your list lol! But some of my other ones are Mama Bear Apologetics, Give Them Grace, Teaching From Rest, Every Woman a Theologian, and Gentle and Lowly. And then I want to finish your book on prayer (wink), as well as Ragged! I need to add at least one marriage one to my list this year, and maybe find something that ties into my word of the year which is Abide. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them!

I loved Memorizing Scripture! Put that one on your definitely read list! I’m interested in How To Talk To Anyone.

Val, this list is a gift to me year after year! I am avid reader (and collector of books to be read…) and know that if you give a book a consideration, it is worth my time also. Thank you for the effort put into this list, that I and other may reap the benefits of your thoughtful curation.

Wow, that is so kind! Thank you Alice. I really do put a lot of thought into the books I want to read and share!

Such a good list! My husband and I are leading a book study on The Great Dechurching at our church starting in January, and I've already preordered 3 copies of The Anxious Generation 🙂