83 days. That’s how many days are left in 2012. I’ve mentioned before, I’m a super reflective person and have spent many a birthday or New Year’s Eve contemplating my goals for the new year. I’m already thinking about 2013.
But guess what?? I still have 83 days left of this year to accomplish those goals for 2012. Do you have your list of goals? Have you achieved them all? What can you do to make them happen in the next 83 days. The year isn’t over yet!
I didn’t have a big list, simply a sentence.
2011 was the year I LEARNED about what I wanted to do (i.e. How to balance my business, how to say no in business, how to keep finances organized and how to eat clean, simplify our home and get rid of toxins, etc).
2012 is the year I wanted to put IMPLEMENT everything I had learned.
Knowledge is pretty useless unless we harness and use it.
I must confess, I love research and am slow to acting. I’ve got 83 days to change that!
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