It’s 5 short days before Christmas. From what I can tell, things are complete madness for many people.
There are a million and one GOOD things to do but sometimes we’ve got to say no to even good things. Give yourself permission to take a Christmas break. Say no to some things so you can say yes to what this season is all about.
– Don’t worry if you didn’t send out Christmas cards on time.
– Don’t stress to get that white elephant gift.
– Store bought treats are OK.
– Skip that Christmas party if you simply need a night to yourself.
It will all be ok! : )
I just finished reading a wonderful book called In Search of the Real Spirit of Christmas. Take 15 minutes, grab your favorite latte and head to my personal site Val & Words. You’ll find a thumbnail of the book title. Click and see a short summary and a link to download my highlighted notes from the book. It could just change your Christmas!
If you are like Tyler and I, the holidays are still manageable. Our gift list is under 15 and our obligations are doable with flexible jobs and no kids yet. Take advantage of this opportunity and help someone who doesn’t have the time.
I head to Ruston in the morning to help my friend in her bakery shop, which promises to be one of the busiest weeks of the year. I am THRILLED to help and spend the day with Heather, but I’m also really excited that I’m available to take even a little stress off her.
I think we all have seasons of giving and receiving. Sometimes I’m extra busy and have lots of people pouring into me. Others, I’m refreshed and can give easily. If you’re in a giving season, I hope you find people to bless today! : )
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So true. I find the greatest joy in giving and doing for others. I might add that the elderly and shut-ins are especially lonely at Christmas. I tried to visit as many of them as I could at Christmas. Although I know they appreciated the visits, I was the one blessed by their wonderful stories, hugs, and smiles.