A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


April Goals


It’s April! I can’t believe three months of the year are done and gone already! I am reminded of what a refining process it’s been to learn how to set good meaningful goals. Over the years, I feel like God has chiseled away the things that don’t matter so much and what I’m left with is being able to spend time on what matters and, dare I say, accomplish more. Believe me, I still get overwhelmed with too many ideas and have to prune, but not nearly as much as I used to!


1. Launch secret project. Too much to explain in one short blurb but I’ll be blogging this soon hopefully. 🙂  This was our plan to start closing the shop on Sundays. It’s in full swing and I’ve already had the sweetest emails of how it’s encouraged you to rest on Sundays! 

2. Read Lists to Love by for Busy Wives. Done! 

3. Meditate on Scripture. I want to meditate on a different Scripture everyday throughout the day. Our pastor created a little 40 day guide for meditating on one verse a day through Easter. How perfect!! 🙂 You can download it here. This was sooo good! I veered from the guide as verses would come to me but it actually spurred an idea for a new product! 🙂 

4. Write 20,000 words for Grumpy Mom. This one scares me a little, but I’m going for it. My first step was to take a standard writing session 1 1/2-2 hours at the coffee shop and see how many words I wrote on average to figure out how much time this would take. Y’all! About two days when I realized how long it actually takes to write 1,000 words, I mentally decided to make this goal 10,000 instead of 20,000. But I actually managed to right 16,000 words in a month so I’m counting that a major victory! 

5. Create meal plan cards. I heard this idea from the Wellness Mama’s podcast. I got all the meals picked but did not make the cards yet. Will try to finish this this month. 

6. Pray for friends. This month is a busy work month but I still want to be connected with my friends. I pray for them every month but they will be more of a focus while I can’t physically be as present this month. Yes! I got to send text prayers and actually emails too to a lot of people. 

7. Beginning curating my closet. I’m not pressuring myself too much with this one this month but I do want to start the process. I did all the homework which was quite an undertaking and made a small pile to get rid of. I shared about the book that helped here

8. Read Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot. This book goes right in line with my goal to learn…discipline. On a Biblical level. I’m really excited about this! Read and loved! 🙂 I shared a quote on insty from the book and y’all loved it as much as I did! 

9. Finish Pinfinite Growth course. Pinterest is our biggest referrer for our shop so I want to maximize it as much as possible. It’s a pricy course but I’d love to automate as much as possible on the marketing side so I can focus on creating products and blog posts and books! 🙂  Finished! I feel like there are always things I can keep tweaking and doing so I guess it’s as done as it can be now. 

10. Embrace boredom. I already mentioned, this is a busy work month. Normally mommy guilt would tell me we need to go do tons of fun things to overcompensate. It’d result in me worn out and, well, a grumpy mom. This month we are going to enjoy more small moments, walks, swinging, watching the birds. Honestly, just making this a goal has already made a difference. Yesterday we did all these things and I was able to slow down more. Well…we did this a bit BUT we also went to the ballet and went to see Disney on Ice. Hardly boring. But I will say we have slowed down quite a bit otherwise, which has been nice. 


1. Begin creating new collection. Yay!! I have a LOT of new products planned. It’s time to get cracking on it. I would love your prayers that the Lord directs my steps.

2. Try new hobbies with Tyler. I know one thing husbands appreciate in wives is being able to have fun together. I want to be more intentional with this.

3. Pray with prayer journal for 15 minutes every morning. It’s simple, but it sets me up for more conversation with God throughout the day.

4. Keep working on Grumpy Mom (15,000 words). I’ll be sharing a post soon about my book writing routine for anyone who may feel inspired to write a book! 😉

5. 30 Day Fitness Challenge. More on this later. 🙂

6. Plan intentional first birthday for Vana! Whaaat?? She’s going to be a year old! So crazy!

7. Read Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin. I am loving this book so far!! It’s all about learning how our personality plays a factor in if we keep habits so we set ourselves up for success.

8. Spending freeze besides approved list. Basically a modified version of The Contentment Challenge. We will be spending a little on Vana’s party and my summer wardrobe but I don’t want that to be a free pass to buy anything.

9. Read Fermented Vegetables by Christopher and Kirsten Shockley. Dipping my toe in making my own fermented veggies. Does anyone do this?

10. Ask more question with Vivi and talk more to Vana. Truth, when Vivi gets in the car, we chat about her day and I have no idea what to ask! I normally run down the same 5 questions. My sister sent me this article and I loved the intentionality of the questions! I also want to start talking more with Vana. I realize I talk a lot less with her than I did with Vivi at this age.


I shared a Facebook Live video called “How I schedule monthly goals” if you need help making your monthly goals actionable! Click here to watch! 

Also, If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!


This month we will again be stockpiling our giving so we have startup funds for what Bailey, from Abel Impact, and I decide for our giving. I can’t wait to share it with you!! If you are a small business owner, I highly recommend working with Bailey for your giving plan. If you are wanting to dip your toe in, Bailey actually just created an e-book to walk you through the process of a giving plan.

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