A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Book Club // Joy, Part 2


Hi everyone! We’re talking about the joy chapter from The Finishing School (Join our FB group here!). It’s crazy how each chapter we go through seems to coincide with the exact thing I’m struggling with that week!

the-finishing-school-joy-2Today I am sharing my answers to the homework and prepping for a week of taking action on everything I learned last week.

A few questions from the homework:

Which three aspects of joy is the hardest for you to grasp? 

Keeping a heavenly perspective is so difficult because it’s so easy to focus on what I can SEE. When I DO focus on the heavenly perspective though, it’s the quickest thing to shift my mood because I know I have all the reason in the world to be joyful.

What things are you grateful for? Get to the root of gratitude in another way. What things do you normally take for granted? 

We just celebrated 2 years in our home. I have taken for granted being 4 doors down from my parents, next door to grandparents and having my sister work in the neighborhood and visit often. I have taken for granted getting to go to a pool that I don’t have to maintain.

What about your current season have you at one time longed for? Did you dream about this for years and forget to acknowledge how God brought you here? 

  1. A year ago, we were trying to get pregnant. We’ve got Vana now and it reminds me to be content with the two month old stage and not keep say “I can’t wait till she’s four months, a year old, etc.”
  2. 2. Regular work days for Tyler. Something we’ve both been dreaming of since we got married! 😉

Do you have any expectations for your life that you have put on yourself that may not actually be part of God’s plan?

Having 4 kids. Growing VMP every year.

Favorite quote from the chapter.

“A constant state of striving for ‘more’ steals our joy. Joy becomes a place we leave so that we can chase after that same joy that we think is on the horizon.” I want to hold tight to this idea so I quick looking for the next best thing to bring me joy but to find it right where I am. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts! What were your favorite takeaways from the chapter?


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