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Forever Vows

9.25.2012 • 4 Comments

Today, Tyler and I will celebrate two year of marriage! 🙂

I knew I wanted to share something about married life because I think that’s the most important part of this whole wedding thing, but it’s hard to narrow the last two years into a blog post. I watched our wedding trailer again and remembered Tyler’s vows and how true they are and what they mean to me now two years later.

{ A picture of us reading our vows for the first time to each other during the first look. }

It wasn’t long after we met that we became friends. “Best friends” is what you called us.
But I had trouble reserving that title for a girl. It was during this time that we learned about one another. I saw your spirit, your character, and your ambition. I found it attractive. Along with your smile, pretty eyes, and long brown hair. I enjoyed your company. You calling me after work became my nightly routine and I looked forward to it. You were special to me. And we had fun together. While our friendship at times left me confused I am thankful for it. Since that time I have fallen in love with you and I feel your love for me. Valerie I can call you my best friend. Even though you are a girl.

Valerie, I am honored to take you as my wife today. I am ready to begin this new journey with you. Your love in my life has been a blessing and I will always cherish it. The writer of 1 John writes that to love is to give your life. Valerie, today I am giving you my life. I am giving you my heart. I will love you.

I promise to always love you and will make it a priority to do so in ways that never leave you in question or doubt. I promise that the life I live will be united with yours and I will hold your hand as we chase our dreams together. I promise to protect you from harm and that your pains and struggles will be mine as well. I promise to provide for you and the family we will have together.

Valerie, I have learned that nothing worth having comes easy. You are the most precious and valuable priority in my life. And though we have been warned that marriage comes with hard times, and struggles, I promise that though we make walk through valleys we will always keep walking. And I will always be by your side. My love for you will be constant, and forgiving like Christ’s love for the church. Not by my own merit but because he will continue to teach me how.

Valerie, my bride, I love you.

Tyler, I am so incredibly lucky to get to walk through not only the good days but the bad with you. We have always kept walking and you have always been by my side.

Photos by Jason Cohen and Mark Eric

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Comments (4)

I’m all teared up again, that video is wonderful and while I have heard Tyler’s vows, reading the words, reinforces what an awesome man he is. He’s a gift, may you continue to treasure him.