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Fresh Start : Goal Making

1.7.2014 • 2 Comments


Today Catherine Guidry is sharing about goal setting!! This gal probably needs no introduction on my blog. She is a fantastic photographer and friend. I am always so inspired when we finish up a lunch. Hoping you are inspired by her today too!


Goal Setting. Even to think about the combination of these to words is exciting to me. It’s an opportunity to change, do things differently, accomplish tasks you hadn’t before. Grow.

As an entrepreneur I am always dreaming, thinking, and exploring. But in order to be a successful entrepreneur I realize that it’s also about bringing the goal setting to a reality.

When Valerie asked me to put together a post for the new year, I knew immediately this was what I wanted to blog about. It’s something that I’m passionate about and know is necessary in order to push myself places I’v never been before.

So, today I hope to inspire you to not only set goals…but to achieve them with a few

helpful tips!


As EASSSYYY as this sounds, I find taking the time to just THINK to be nearly impossible during my busy seasons. I once read the book E-Myth and the part that stuck out most is that we can’t always be technicians. In other words, as business owners we cannot just do…we also have to plan and execute.


I find I do my best thinking during my quiet times…but it’s amazing how quickly an idea can come and disappear. I’ve found that the best way to prevent forgetting those goals…and to make them more of a reality, is to write them down. There’s something more permanent about putting pen to paper and it makes those dreams a bit of a reality.


Sure, it’s easy to write down a goal and never revisit it. But it also may never get done. As soon as you write down a goal, begin thinking of HOW you can accomplish it! I usually create a list of things that have to happen in order to reach the goal and assign deadlines to each.

Accomplishing a goal is usually about the tiny steps leading up to the final outcome! Whenever I get scared or fearful of not accomplishing those goals…I just remind myself that it’s about taking one step at a time.


When you REALLY break your steps down into smaller tasks, I find Val’s Time Sheets to be SUPER helpful. My most efficient days began when I read her post on being productive and started setting time limits for tasks during the day.


It’s not that you won’t accomplish goals on your own…but if there is someone that can support you in these goal, include them in the process. Having a friend, spouse, parent, or significant other support you in the process will keep you on track and allow you to stay more focused. Explain to them the importance of having them there and ask that they hold you accountable.


Although the obvious reward is the accomplishing of your goal, when you have reached individual milestones, make sure to reward yourself along the way. Make sure these rewards aren’t going to set you back or distract you from your ultimate goal, but treating yourself right along the way is not a bad thing!


Making a deadline before the deadline has proved to be the single most important strategy I’ve created for myself. When I have a big goal or something that I’m fearful of to begin with…I almost ALWAYS procrastinate. By setting an early deadline I create a false sense of urgency and leave a bit of wiggle room for myself. But the key is to sincerely treat the false date as the actual deadline or else it will never work.Before you Know it…You’ve Made it!

I can PROMISE you…..if you’re disciplined enough and if you want something bad’s yours. No matter what the goal is, if you take the tiny steps in between, the goal will undoubtably be achieved.

So, with all of this being said…Cheers to the New Year and to reaching your goals in 2014!


This post is a part of the FRESH START series. A
three-week series to get you ready for 2014. Each week will have a different theme, mind, home and body. 

Previous Posts:
Intro Post | Catherine Guidry’s Goal Making

Photos by Haylei Smith

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Comments (2)

[…] like everyone is in the position of goal setting (and hopefully goal achieving). 🙂 When Val of Val Marie Paper asked me to put together a post for the New Year, I knew this was the topic I wanted to focus […]

Goal setting really gets me fired up and I have enjoyed the process of doing so for this upcoming year. Breaking goals down into smaller actions is truly an effective way to make goals a reality. Thank you for sharing these tips Catherine!