A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Fresh Start : Using the Powersheets

1.8.2014 • 3 Comments

lara-casey-powersheetsIf you follow me on Instagram, you have already heard me mention Lara Casey‘s powersheets before! I started them last year right when I was finishing up a rough first trimester. I am normally a super goal-oriented and motivated person, but three months of feeling sick and tired, and I didn’t care if I accomplished one thing. I just wanted to make it through to the next day in one piece.

The powersheets really helped me to get focused! Even moreso now with Vivi, prioritizing my life and saying no to things that aren’t the most important things is so necessary for my sanity and accomplishing the things I want to accomplish!

We cannot do it all. We’ve got to be selective.


The powersheets are designed to help you make daily choices and action steps to reach your goals. I LOVE John C. Maxwell’s book Today Matters. (My notes here.) He says we “overexagerrate yesterday, underestimate today and overestimate tomorrow.” How true is this!! Today is the day y’all. If we aren’t using our todays. It just won’t happen.

Before you start your powersheets, read Lara’s series on goal setting! They go hand-in-hand. It’s a process to get to goal making. The goals I made are not all what I expected, but after asking myself real questions that Lara suggests, you get there.

Pair your powersheets with Catherine Guidry’s goal setting tips and you are off to a strong start!!

The stats on the benefits of reading are always so shocking to me! Tomorrow Nancy Ray will be sharing about how to become a reader! 

This post is a part of the FRESH START series. A three-week series to get you ready for 2014. Each week will have a different theme, mind, home and body. 

Previous Posts:
Intro Post | Catherine Guidry’s Goal Making

Photos from LaraCasey.com 

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Comments (5)

I am absolutely loving my Power Sheets and Lara’s series, too! I am also enjoying your Fresh Start series. Thank you for putting together this collection of helpful tips, resources, and ideas!

[…] in the works this year! We are getting ORGANIZED the old-fashioned way (pen & ink) thanks to this blog post by Val Marie […]

I order these sheets at the end of last year and I’m just waiting for them to come in! This is the second post that I have read about them…I’m getting even more excited! Thanks for sharing!

I would love to know where you got your pretty three ring binder…:)


You will love them Ebony! The binder is an Emily Ley Simplified Binder from last season. She has a new collection available now!