A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions



8.1.2016 • 2 Comments

Hi friends! I hope y’all are having a lovely summer! I can’t believe August is already here. I know. I know. I say that every month but seriously. I turn 32 at the end of the month and am suddenly thinking the last 10 years flew by too! 😉 With that said, I feel like being intentional each month and setting goals has certainly made the time full and vibrant. There are literally three things on my July goals list that I forgot about until I worked on this post and got them done just because of the reminder and accountability of sharing goals with y’all.


13584075_302264836779136_209906196_n1. Be a source of joy and positivity for Tyler, Vivi and Vana. Right now, Tyler needs my joy as he goes through a tough season with his dad, Vivi needs my joy as she deals with all sorts of emotions as she adjusts to not having our full attention and Vana needs my joy as she deals with her stomach issues. This has been a devastating month y’all but I’ve made a huge effort for our home to be a refuge as much as possible.

2. Cook with Tyler. One of my refresh goals is to learn how to cook! I thought this would also be a fun way to connect with Tyler since he lights up when he’s cooking! 😉 Tyler was gone more than usual in the evenings, but we did get to cook together a few times. I always love sitting on the counter watching him work. 

 3. Practice thought patterns I learned from Holley’s book and print out. She mentioned a few ways of handling anxiety that I want to remember when I’m feeling anxious. Done! 

4. Stop waiting for the invitation. Another refresh goal to boldly forge friendships! It’s crazy how insecure we can feel to initiate something, like that other person will think we are weird. I want to get past this fear and enjoy some friendships! Yes! I actually got a good bit of hangout time this month. Super refreshing. 

13584294_1751327011775902_1452458468_n5. Declutter closet. Time to get rid of the pregnancy and post-partum clothes and anything that doesn’t look right on my new “shape”. 🙂 Yes!! I have been dreading this one and I did the whole, throw everything on your bed and slowly add back in and the closet looks a thousand times better and I found some pieces I had forgotten about that still fit. 

6. Schedule checkups for me and Tyler. We are way behind of some checkups and seeing as how we just met our deductible for the year (Hi Vana!!) now seems like the time to take care of those things. Yes! Done or scheduled!

7. Read Hands Free Life. Done. Mixed thoughts on it. Message on point and something I want to remember, but method of getting there was a bit unrelatable and self-indulgent. 

8. Start the Contentment Challenge. This will be my second time! You can read about my first go around in The Finishing School! ; ) This has been great! Read some more thoughts from my post earlier this week here

9. Create processes for blog, marketing and back end. I have the shop part of my business streamlined but these parts could use a revamp! Yes! And might I recommend Megan Minn’s very handle Google spreadsheet to help you? I honestly can’t believe it’s only $9. It has helped me create a game plan for the rest of the year and I am already seeing some good results. 

13707432_1578388052464542_1323780006_n10. Get proofs and plan photo shoot with Megan. I am sooo excited to have Megan of Mae Mae & Co styling our products this year!! I could have never guessed how busy this summer was going to look so I’m thankful to be delegating this and to someone I have been minorly obsessed with for years. 🙂 Woohoo! Working with Mae Mae has been a dream! I can’t wait to share the final product with you! 


1. Delight in duty. This was a big takeaway I got from Michelle Myer’s book Famous in Heaven and at Home. I’m already seeing a small change in how I view folding laundry and diapers and dishes. I want the girls and Tyler to remember these little years with mom (or all years!) enjoying serving her family and not doing it begrudgingly.

2. Cook 1 new recipe a week. This might seem like a cinch to most of y’all but this is a big one for me! Feel free to leave a comment with a link to your pinterest food boards! 🙂

3. Journal daily for August. I’m using this notebook. Remember when I mentioned this?

4. Plan birthday get-together. With the bestie of course!

5. Go through Vivi and Vana’s closets. Vivi still has winter clothes in her drawers. I might table this one for fall though. After getting sick last week and the crazy pace we have had for the last 3 months, I think more rest may be in order.

6. Incorporate yoga into morning routine. I feel like this was a goal months ago. ; )

7. QT’s first in the morning. Since I nurse and have my timer on an app on my phone, grabbing my phone happens and has made clicking to Instagram before Bible time waaay too easy. I want to get back to not looking at anything else until I look into the face of God.

8. Spruce up yard. Tyler has already done this a good bit this summer, but I’d love to plant some hydrangeas if it’s not too late in the season! Where are my plant experts??

9. Start conversations on Facebook. Nope I’m not talking about political rants! 😉 I launched a FB page this past week. I had been looking for another platform to use beside Insty but really wasn’t sure which would fit my needs best. There are soooo many and I knew I didn’t want to be on all of them. The content will be different than Instagram, less shop related and more author related – like asking questions as I gather content for a second book, shorter inspiration than Insty (in the form of quotes) and longer inspiration than Insty (in the form of blog posts)! Follow here if you’d like to be in the loop!

10. Prep for launch! I am sooo excited friends! We’ve got a super big surprise for all of y’all who plan to order the yearly set. In fact, we are doing pre-orders for them in a week or two. Sign up to be the first know about it here.

If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!


Check out my GoodReads profile for reviews and any extra books I read throughout the month.


We will be donating $.50 of every journal sold to Hope for Kids again this month!! Each $336 will go to sponsor a child for a full year and we are hoping to sponsor as many kids as we can through my church Trinity Bible Church. We sponsored 12 last year and would love to responsor the same ones so we will keep them as our Boaz Fund recipient until school starts in October or until we sponsor the 12!

Follow along on Instagram.


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Comments (3)

I also love reading your goals posts 🙂

My pinterest board is

I must say the goal of yours that really spoke to me is to delight in duty… 🙂

I *love* reading your goals posts! Definitely can’t wait for the new journal, and to see what else you’ve been working on for the last few months! I just got my marriage prep guides on Friday, and am excited for the conversations they will spark between my fiancee and I.