A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Goals // February


The phrase “sayonara January!” has been ringing in my head the last few weeks! It’s been a tough start to the year mentally and physically but one thing that really struck me was that this might be the first time I have ever got everything on my goal list checked off! The only thing I can really attribute this to is setting goals this year that were fully based on what’s important to me. There was a lot of stuff that didn’t get done and I think I focused too much on what didn’t get done, but what did get done was the important stuff. It was such a reminder that this is why we take the time to set meaningful goals, because we can’t do it all.


1. Take a weekend trip to dream with Tyler. Sadly this one isn’t off to a good start. We’ve got every Saturday of the month booked up so this might look more like several hours at the coffeeshop next Sunday! Yes!! Well it was more like a Sunday afternoon in but it was so fun to dream together. Tyler made some goals for the year too and we are planning to incorporate a check-in when we have our weekly family meetings. Last week, Tyler mentioned one of his goals was a fishing trip with his friend. We only had a week left but we made it happen and I don’t think it would have if we didn’t make a point to support each other in our goals. 

2. Prepare and pray for an intentional, interactive book club! I will be sharing the first periscope today at noon and you can join our facebook group here. We will be reading through The Finishing School together. Order on Amazon if you want to get it in the next few days OR in our shop if you want to order the workbook or flash cards. In the shop we also have our imperfect copies for $6 with $3 of each copy sold going to the Her Initiative! Yes! I am already amaze at how the Lord speaks to me before our Periscopes. I was not very confident in how to make the most of this group and honestly, even in just Periscoping in general but the Lord has given me so much joy and strength in this! I look forward to it each Monday! 

12356587_1676415112630244_2018983738_n3. Create a PDF of the process the book Women of the Word shares for studying the Bible and have handy during quiet times. I LOVED what I learned about studying the Bible in this book but know I won’t just remember it offhand. I love the idea of creating a key to help me as I learn to study the Word. Yes! I created the PDF and actually started studying Philippians with this method today! 

4. Decide how much to change our tithe to. This is on our agenda for Tyler and I’s dream day! :) YES! Big God answered prayer here. Shay Cochrane happened to do a periscope a few days before Tyler and I’s big meeting about tithe and business and Tyler and I had a great chat and really felt the Lord leading us to a specific thing. 

5. Set financial goals and make them visible. Any suggestions on fun ways to make goals visible? Keeping it in an excel sheet doesn’t keep me motivated. We came up with the goals and I have them written down on a sheet in my Day Designer. I would still love a fun way to make them visible. Pinterest must have SOMETHING. ; )

6. Schedule fitness in my Day Designer. I have failed for way too long on exercise and the reason is simple. I don’t actually fit it into my day so it never happens. I’ll be planning to work out the first hour while Vivi is at school which will cut into work time but I know it will be worth it to keep my mind sharp, body more energetic and strong as I get further along in my pregnancy. YES!!! So really, I need to be in a gym. It motivates me so much more. Even though Vivi was home with me and I didn’t have those three days to go I was determined to go and went twice every week which is a good start. It’s also motivated me to work out at home which is crazy to me because I couldn’t muster the energy to do this without being in the gym ironically.

7. Find and use an app that tracks my phone usage, specifically tracking time on social media. Does anyone have a favorite?? Oy! Big yes here as well. This was major eye-opening. I used the app Moment and honestly didn’t know what all it did until I read a post one commenter shared with her experience! I highly recommend this app if you want to spend less time on your phone and definitely check out her post. 

IMG_99338. Take the No Brainer Course and get rid of most of my closet. I am super excited about this. I think it’s obvious from The Finishing School that I am a nerd for learning. The clothes in our house have been the hardest area to pare down. I normally will clean the whole house and toss everything in my closet with the intentions of tackling that after I do the rest of the visible house. It never gets done though! Done and done! This was the hardest for me to do and didn’t get done until Saturday. It just seemed like the biggest hurdle to overcome. Once I watched Hayley’s videos, I felt more confident to take it on. I can finally see the floor in my closet and can’t wait to do another purge later in the year after pregnancy. 

9. Start our next season of small group with church. We’ve been off for the holidays but I’m so excited to start back! Yay! We met Sunday night and it is just so good for my soul! 

10. Pray and get feedback on new products. I am aiming to design a few new products in February and March. I truly want these to be products that will grow you closer to the Lord and not something I slap together because someone else is doing it or because I’m on a deadline. I’m working on a survey this week so I can get y’alls feedback on what you’d love to see next!! Yes! This was amazingly helpful! I literally prayed over the list of ideas and really felt God’s clarity in what would be journals and what could be blog posts or free printables. The Lord even spoke to me through my own struggles this month and one of my quiet times and gave me a vision for a new journal. I am completely humbled by how different this process is than with previous business ventures like invitations where I would tend to follow trends and other designers. God’s creativity blows me away. 


1. Lent fast from TV from 8-5. If you work from home or have littles you know this can be a tough one!! I did this last year and absolutely loved it and got so much more accomplished. A very weary first trimester sucked me back in to the couch and Netflix during the day but I’m excited to break this habit again hopefully for good.

2. Work on secret project and (hopefully!) unveil in March! And clean out my office closet to make room for Vana. Some big news I haven’t actually shared yet is that all our shipping has moved to our shop girl, Savri’s house! I was a little overwhelmed at how to fit a new baby and journal, book and packaging inventory into one room but the perfect solution came about and it’s helped me start to focus on less logistics and more content creating.

3. Study Philippians indepth. After creating my PDF of how to study each book (which I learned in Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin and highly recommend reading) I am ready to start studying more indepth! First up is Philippians!

4. Plan and prayerfully consider Boaz Fund recipients for the year. Things will get crazy here soon with Natalie’s wedding and Vana coming so I want to have this planned out in advance. If you’d like to submit a non-profit for consideration, fill out this form!

5. Spending freeze. I really want to plan sporadic months this year where we simply freeze our spending. No clothes or extras. I know so many times I impulse buy and if I hold off for even a month, I no longer want or need it!

6. Add weights to my workout. I started out slow just doing 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. Now that I’ve built up my stamina again, I want to add some light weights and figure out a good (and pregnancy safe) routine.

IMG_00347. Find app for scheduling Instagram posts and use it. Since I typically like to post in the mornings, I can sometimes spend the last 30 minutes before Vivi wakes up creating an Instagram posts. I would love to get more organized and write the content for the posts during my work days so it takes more like 5 minutes to post giving me more time to read a book or do a quick tidy before Vivi wakes up.

8. Get the porch and outdoor area ready for spring. We live out hear once the weather starts warming up a bit and before the hot hot summer hits.

9. Throw a thoughtful wedding shower for Natalie. So excited for this!

IMG_989110. Design new products and make needed updates to current collection. This will most likely take two months since I’ve added a few new journals!


This month we will be donating $.50 of every journal sold to Zachariah’s Acres. It is a non-profit that connects God’s beautiful creation with children with special needs. Zachariah’s Acres serves families freely through providing a place of rest and respite in the great outdoors. They are committed to serving authentically and creating opportunities for children with special needs to be apart of a community where they are valued, using their skills and giving God the glory. The project we will be specifically donating to is to help build a prayer walk, how perfect is that?? Thank you Emily Enockson for introducing me to this wonderful organization!!


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