A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Goals // July


Hi y’all!! I am soooo ready to tackle this second half of the year!  So let’s get right to it!


1. Incorporate qualities that Tyler fell in love with. This might sound like a weird goal, but I know I have changed over the last 5+ years of marriage. I would love to still be the girl that Tyler fell in love with. We both wrote lists of things we loved about the other person so I’m planning on digging that up. This was so fun to look back and a practical way to show Tyler I love him. I’m going to be blogging more about this soon! 

2. Make Full Engagement Plan. I read The Power of Full Engagement and was super impressed with the strategy included! Done!! Started implementing and I’m already seeing some good results. 

3. Practice daily silence. I talked about this the other day, but silence hasn’t really been a part of my prayers, but it’s important so I’m hoping to make it a lifetime habit starting this month! Not so much. I struggle so much with understanding how to be silent and how to stay focused. Any tips welcomed! 

4.  Track time for at least one week. Another book-inspired goal! 😉 I have read168 Hours in the past but have loved listening to Nancy Ray’s book club periscopes on it and have been reinspired to track my time again! This season is very different but Nancy reminded me, every week will be different in some way that we can use as an excuse to not track our time! Yes! Will be blogging about what I learned from this soon too! 

5. Find new rhythm/routine for our family of 4. Now that we’ve had a month with Vana, this structured gal needs a routine! Yes! I even planned out my ideal week based on number 4.

6. Figure out a workout and yoga routine at home. I’ve lost the baby weight (although it certainly looks different!) and even a few more pounds. For Vivi, I lost all the weight the first week except for the last 5 pounds and never lost them and just started pregnancy with Vana 5 pounds higher. I don’t normally like to work out at home but I’m feeling a little motivated having actually seen the scale go down so I want to make sure to take advantage of the jump start. I’m also not really a yoga girl but I could use all the peace and calm in this season. ; ) Nope! Little sleep, early morning feeds, I’m just grateful to get time in the words. The last few days I’ve gotten Vivi excited about “oga”. She loves looking at Pinterest illustrations and doing the poses. I found some kids yoga material and may print some out for us todo together. I will be starting back at the gym middle of this month but would like to do yoga at home on days I can’t go. 

7. Delete insty after I post EVERYTIME. My social media break a few weeks ago was GREAT! I never even thought to check it once I made that decision. I really do want to be present with the girls and think this will help. I didn’t do this. I actually started thinking about my engagement and how I want to make sure I’m interacting with y’all. I love the connection and the conversations there so my goal is to stick around for 15 minutes or so after a post and comment and then take a break for the day.

8. Incorporate some of my 100 Dreams into my calendar. This was another goal inspired by 168 Hours. She talks about making a list of dreams so we are filling our time with the good stuff! Yes! 

9. Plan content calendar for next month and actually put on the calendar. I have TONS of ideas for things I’d like to share on the blog. It’s so hard to make it happen because, honestly, it seems less important than marketing or driving sales. BUT I feel energized and refreshed by writing and I love being able to inspire y’all and share what I’m learning. Done!! 

13391199_909506389196267_116198185_n10. Finalize proofs for all new products. Father God, help me do this! I’ve got about 2 hours a day now to work! Oy! And it seems like our new collection will never be finished but there’s some good stuff coming and I’m so antsy to share them with y’all. Everything is done except one! 🙂


1. Be a source of joy and positivity for Tyler, Vivi and Vana. Right now, Tyler needs my joy as he goes through a tough season with his dad, Vivi needs my joy as she deals with all sorts of emotions as she adjusts to not having our full attention and Vana needs my joy as she deals with her stomach issues. (That last one sounds weird. She’s 8 weeks old! But I see sadness and uncomfortableness in her and it breaks my heart! She smiles so much now when we interact though!)

13413414_270903869937723_1825746221_n2. Cook with Tyler. One of my refresh goals is to learn how to cook! I thought this would also be a fun way to connect with Tyler since he lights up when he’s cooking! 😉

3. Practice thought patterns I learned from Holley’s book and print out. She mentioned a few ways of handling anxiety that I want to remember when I’m feeling anxious.

4. Stop waiting for the invitation. Another refresh goal to boldly forge friendships! It’s crazy how insecure we can feel to initiate something, like that other person will think we are weird. I want to get past this fear and enjoy some friendships!

5. Declutter closet. Time to get rid of the pregnancy and post-partum clothes and anything that doesn’t look right on my new “shape”. 🙂

6. Schedule checkups for me and Tyler. We are way behind of some checkups and seeing as how we just met our deductible for the year (Hi Vana!!) now seems like the time to take care of those things.

7. Read Hands Free Life. 

8. Start the Contentment Challenge. This will be my second time! You can read about my first go around in The Finishing School! ; )

9. Create processes for blog, marketing and back end. I have the shop part of my business streamlined but these parts could use a revamp!

10. Get proofs and plan photo shoot with Megan. I am sooo excited to have Megan of Mae Mae & Co styling our products this year!! I could have never guessed how busy this summer was going to look so I’m thankful to be delegating this and to someone I have been minorly obsessed with for years. 🙂

If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!



We will be donating $.50 of every journal sold to Hope for Kids this month!! Each $336 will go to sponsor a child for a full year and we are hoping to sponsor as many kids as we can through my church Trinity Bible Church.

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