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Goals // July

7.3.2014 • 4 Comments

julygoalsThe second half of the year is upon us and I could not be more excited for it! Starting life in our new home, Vivi, Tyler and I’s birthdays, two beach trips, and Making Things Happen conference AND our 2015 wedding collection and prayer journals debut!

Here were my June goals:

Being sick for the whole last week of June totally through me off. I thought I’d be discouraged, but I’m just so darn glad to not be sick and to actually be able to tackle some of these goals now that I’m surprisingly fine with my list of “no’s” below.

  • 914395_497267123739706_1159764355_nClose on the house we have under contract. And I guess this means pack too. ; ) (DONE!! Closing that is, packing, an embarrassingly small amount.)
  • Finish reading Hand’s Free Mama and The Power of a Praying Wife (Nope.)
  • Create a better organization system for our home and VMP. I have totally let things slip as this season of our life has gotten busy. (Working on this! I can’t wait to share how I’ve been doing this!)
  • Learn better discipline if a few specific areas. There are things I WANT to do, but I fail to do just because I don’t think about things. I wrote in my journal a few days ago that I feel like I meander through my day taking care of the biggest and brightest fire instead of truly doing the important. (Working on this too!)10475030_601741639942058_368331148_n
  • Shoot the new collection with Catherine Guidry. (Nope! We had to postpone since I was sick. I’m so thankful we were able to postpone! It’s going to be better than planned now!)
  • Finish my 3 month barre membership strong. (Yes! Working on figuring out a new routine for staying active. Suggestions welcome! : )
  • Have fun adventure (read not stressful) in Nashville with friends. I will gladly take any advice on how to do this with an 8 month old! (Nope! Ok I’m pretty bummed about this one, but the timing wasn’t right for so many reasons and us being in town but a blessing in disguise.)
  • Look into hiring someone to take Tory’s place when Baby Walker is born. (I’ll sharemore about this soon but the position is one possibly two days a week to help package orders. Email me if you are interested. val @ valmariepaper.com) (Nope.)


Here are my July Goals:

  • Move and unpack. This is a pretty time consuming goal for this month, so I’m keeping my list simple!
  • Listen to worship music in my car without distractions of phone.
  • Use my ESV Bible and really dive deep into one passage a week.
  • Stick to new house budget.
  • Send “We’ve moved” cards.

Photos from my instagram.




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Comments (8)

Such great goals! Prayer walk sounds awesome… somehow I’d never thought about doing that…

I’ve been prepping meals ahead of time for the week! I’ll cut up all veggies that I can and freeze in individual bags to be used for different meals throughout the week. It’s been working out pretty well and it’s nice to be able to grab the frozen chunks of butternut squash than the rice-a-roni in the cabinet! 🙂

Yes! I really need to get better at doing that! I’ll buy stuff and plan to prep on the weekends and if it doesn’t happen, it never happens!! Woops!!

Yes, we meal plan every week and I don’t know what our eating habits would look like if we didn’t! My husband and I sit down every Saturday (usually), choose recipes for the week, make a shopping list, and go shopping. It can be kind of tedious, but then we’re done for the week and don’t have to think about it anymore! We don’t assign certain meals to certain days, but choose what will be eaten when based on the weather, what we’re feeling like eating, how much time we have for prep, etc. – but since we have a limited number of choices, it’s not overwhelming! Encouraging you!

Thank you!! We go shopping on Saturdays and it always seems in a flurry. I have the best of intentions to plan the trip beforehand rarely happens! I need to remember how much time it will save later!

One of my biggest goals for July is to work on expression beyond words. I had what was either a bad side effect or an anxiety attack yesterday and couldn’t speak or write for hours. The experiences left me with a hunger to praise the Lord without using words and I’m rolling with it.

That is very neat how God used that for you! I don’t think about doing that but the creativity alone that is needed to figure out ways to praise God without words seems therapeutic!