Ok so I am a little bit late on sharing my goals for May! I almost completely bailed on this post because I didn’t get many of last month’s goals crossed off! But this is real life and I want to make sure I share that too!
A look back at April goals:
1. Create a plan for using weights. I realized this is the most practical for my current season. Nope. I did pick them up a few times but never with much direction. If someone has a plan, maybe even a print out, I’d love to hear!
2. Finish the first draft of the book. I don’t know if this will happen but I’d love to have the book available in the fall when we debut the 2016 design of the prayer journals. Prayers appreciated for clarity and time to write. Yes yes yes!!!! Well technically, it’s May but it’s done and sent to the editor! I’m claiming this month still a victory because I actually finished this sucker despite 10 days of our whole family being sick and Vivi being out of school for two+ weeks.
3. Eat healthy during book process. I normally slack during busy seasons but honestly, green juices and veggies bring so much clarity which I feel like will definitely help me write! Better yes. Perfect no. I was a lot more conscious of making this happen this time around.
4. Check social media twice a day. I need this. I usually say I want to spend “less time”, but what does that mean? I know I need to be more specific with this. This was a major fail.
5. Read Scary Close and start Prayer. Read some but didn’t finish of Scary Close and started Prayer.
6. Eat smaller portions. This was part of my clarity with the refresher too. I had my health goals all rolled into one idea and I wasn’t doing actionable things to reach that goal. I actually started doing this last week and it’s an easy adjustment to make. Yes!! I’m getting better at this. Before I was pregnant I ate the kid’s meals at Chick-Fil-A. I have finally gone back to the kid’s meals now that I don’t have pregnancy or nursing as my excuse. Because really, it’s fried food. Vivi doesn’t need that but it sure was easy to convince myself!
1. Make my health a priority. Go for a daily walk and work out with weights 3-4 timesa week. This is ambitious but I really want to focus on this this month.
2. Incorporate what I learned in B-School into my business. I have so many notes and ideas! I know I can’t make it all happen in one month but I want to work on some of the big ideas!
3. Go through Marriage Prep Journal with Tyler. We started but haven’t finished! You know the saying “The cobbler’s kids have no shoes.” ; ) So excited to do this! And hoping to share some thoughts soon on good tips for using it as well as how to get your fiance or husband on board. 🙂
4. Clearly define our budget. This is so hard and always takes a back seat. We want to pay off our house in the next couple of years and to do that we have to be saving BIG time.
5. No Hershey’s kisses. This might sound like a silly goal, but I eat some every single day. This is not only for my health, but some friends and I are covering another friend in prayer over the next 30 days. I have seen the power of fasting in the past and actually in the last week too so I decided to fast from something and pray for that friend each time I thought about chocolate. I had prayed for my friend 4 times by noon on that first day!
6. Rediscover margin. The last six weeks haven’t been completely insane but they have been intense with the book writing. I am looking forward to some pruning and getting back to a more even pace of life. I am journaling about it again (in this notebook of course). Last time I was journaling about the process, I was a bit more attentive to making it happen.
7. Check social media twice a day. I need this. I usually say I want to spend “less time”, but what does that mean? I know I need to be more specific with this.
8. Close out invitations. I am wrapping up my last job now and am hoping to clear out all old inventory and wedding related things that I don’t need anymore in my office and my computer as well. (And if this is coming as a shock to you, some details here.)
9. Design journal covers and book cover. I am so excited about this part y’all! 🙂 I would love prayers to use the creativity God has given me and to not and not look at what everyone else is doing.
Our recipient for May is Escape from Poverty. It is a local organization in Lafayette that aims to “ignite hope and transformation by empowering impoverished families to escape from poverty by providing life skills classes, mentoring, support, accountability, and motivation within a faith-based community environment.” After having this conversation, I really wanted for our May recipient to be one that would help families right here in America. My mom is actually a mentor in the group too!
I loved this quote on their website. “Give a person a fish and you feed him for the day. Teach a person to fish and you feed him for a lifetime…but we take it a step a further and say “but if you can help that person own the pond, you can help him care for his people”. We want to help them own the pond.”
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