A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Goals // May


Happy May!! I have been waiting for this month for 9 months now. I can’t wait to meet our sweet girl! April looked a little different than expected for so many reasons and May’s goals will too! ; )

I feel like I can just give a blanket, no goals happened in April with the exception of the prayer challenge which I honestly feel did sooo much in my heart. I was feeling lots of anxiety over different things and the Lord has drawn me closer to Him through so much more time in prayer this month. I feel mentally ready and relaxed about Vana, more than I expected to feel after so many anxious feelings recently. If I accomplished just one goal this one, I am thankful it was that one! 🙂


1. Focus on loving family selflessly and adding joy to our home. I shared about this in this week’s periscope. I’ve been complaining a bunch and it certainly affects Tyler and Vivi so I want to change the atmosphere.

2. Implement B-School action steps I can do now and make to do for the rest and prep for maternity leave. I first took B-School a few years ago but you are a lifetime member so I love the refresher each spring.

12917915_1573076013022091_849385160_n3. Prayer Challenge! I’m really excited about this! I’ve been in a prayer slump and don’t want to neglect it’s importance in my life especially as I prepare for Vana to get here and being a mom of two. More info about prayer challenge here if you’d like to join!

4. Use timesheets during worktime. I refreshed my 2016 goals a bit. See them here!

5. Finish to-do’s on my “before Vana arrives” list.Oy! Or at least tackle the necessities!

6. Up my workouts to 4-5 days a week. I feel soooo good when I work out! The last month of pregnancy can feel the longest so I’m going to spend as much time as I can feeling good! ; )

7. Social media free weekends. I have done these in the past and loved them! I think it will help me get back to my restful Sabbaths as well.

8. Go to the pool atleast 2X a week. This is for three reasons: 1. the neighborhood pool is a block away and always gets me in the simple summer life mood 2. to make sure Vivi and I are having fun before she’s got to share momma 3. because the pool feels pretty nice on a big ole pregnant body.

9. Create social media mission statement. With everyone talking about the new Instagram algoritham, it got me thinking about what my purpose is for social media. I want to be a little more intentional which I think will help VMP AND help me not spend unnecessary time on my phone.

12599505_550163331811688_973579642_n10. Finalize new collection. Ok this has been on my goal list for three months now but only because I got a little too ambitious about finishing this collection super early in anticipation of Vana coming! I’ve got two of the four brand new journals completed and revisions to most of our current collection done! I’d love your prayers on this one goal especially. I get overwhelmed trying to produce something that is from my heart but also something y’all will want as far as colors, materials, layout, etc.


1. Be a flexible mom. From the last week of posts y’all know I love routine. I feel like things have gotten pretty easy with one kid. I know the next month will be a lot about adjusting to something new and I’m praying a ton that I will be flexible, easy going and joyful in the process.

2. Embrace maternity leave. Don’t over do it. I like my job so it’s hard to separate myself from it for so long but I know it will be good for my family!

13102333_1614240362230782_1735979064_n3. Pray daily/Without ceasing. All this other good stuff can only flow from a heart that is focused on the Lord.

4. Fill mind with truth. Through lots of Bible time and books.

5. Take a daily walk. To refresh my soul, clear my head and help keep my energy up.

6. Drink plenty of water. I’d like to get ambitious and say eat really healthy just knowing it will help with energy but I’m giving myself a little grace here knowing eating whatever is in front of me might be what happens for a little while.

7. Have designated no phone nursing times. I feel like it’s so easy to be glued to your phone or Netflix during those hour long, 8 times a day nursing sessions. Once we figure out some sort of routine, I’d like to have certain feeds where I either read my Bible or books like in the morning or for middle of the night feeds, I simply pray.

8. Enjoy porch rocking. This simple life we have in our neighborhood brings me so much joy. I may not be hitting the pool or even driving around much, but I can get outside and enjoy our porch! 🙂

9. Pray for VMP. Instead of putting energy into a to-do list for VMP, I’ll simply be praying for it. God’s a much better owner anyway! 😉

10. Find refreshment in creative time. I have really felt refreshed from blogging lately or working on creative projects. Although I am taking off this month, if something refreshes me like writing, I want to make sure I am including those things in my day and not being too legalistic about my maternity leave to where it actually causes me to feel drained.


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