A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


January Goals


So if you are like me, you have just spent the last few days, weeks or even month dreaming about 2017 and just talking about it. This is where we take action on them. We can’t talk about goals forever (although I feel like I still have so many thoughts I’d like to share soon); we have to get moving.

Each month, I share my monthly goals with you which are normally one action step for each of my 2017 goals. I use Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!


1. Finish VMP processes. I’ve been trying to work on this for a while but am finally ready. It might have to do with the new year kick in the pants to get organized and seeing my sister’s fancy notebook that she made for her business. ; )

2. Find a mentor. I have been thinking about this for so long but it’s time to seek one out and not wait for someone to walk up to me and say “Hi! I’d love to mentor you!” ; )

January Goals | Val Marie Paper 3. Finish reading Philippians inductively and start Zechariah. I’m have only been doing this a few days and it’s been so refreshing!

4. Switch to ConvertKit. This is a bit more challenging than I thought! I am using a few great resources from Elle & Co and Spruce Road.

5. Fast from sweets for 31 days. To get a little nerdy science-y, I have been having some foot issues and it looks like the cause may be too much inflammation which sugar causes. I have done a 7 day fast but NEVER a 31 day. I’m listening to lots of health podcasts and reading on sugar this month to stay motivated! I’d love to hear your favorite health podcasts!

6. Plan Favorite Things Party. I threw one of these two years ago for Galentine’s Day and am excited to do it again. I’m focusing on a fun time with friends and less on presentation and the fluff. I’ve already decided FB invites instead of paper. Kind of a big deal for a paper designer! 😉

7. Create ideal week based on yearly goals. I have made an week before but I wanted to rework this in light of my goals so I am realistically planning for them. I can’t say I want to spend time doing something and then not actually make room for it in my week.

8. Plan yearly budget. Because it’s a new year and we kind of have to.

9. Write a book proposal. For a real life publisher. 🙂 I don’t want to share too much too early, but I was asked to submit a proposal to publish with a national publisher. Friends, I covet your prayers!! I really want God to speak through me, not only as I write the book, but through this proposal as well. I have no idea what God has planned, if it’s to be shared on a bigger scale in bookstores nationwide or smaller self-published like The Finishing School but God knows. Pray for the words to flow and my heart to be accepting of whatever the outcome is!

10. Write out family rhythms. As we are about to enter that dreary part of winter, I really want to embrace how every season has something special. I’d love to have little traditions that flow around the seasons so we can look forward to something in any season. I’ll be utilizing this book.

JANUARY BOOKSJanuary Books | Val Marie Paper


This month, we will be donating to efforts in Aleppo. I feel like I’m so late on finding out about this and it’s heartbreaking. I’ve heard it described as hell on earth and in those moments where I feel frustrated with the tiniest of first world problems, I have thought on those suffering in Aleppo and I’m quickly reminded of how lucky I am and how it’s my responsibility to care for others.

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