A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


June Goals


I feel like I just wrote May’s goals! These months seem to move so fast! In May we celebrated Vana turning 1, mother’s day and Tyler and I had a weekend getaway to Rayne that totally satisfied the wanderlust for now.


1. Prayerfully design new journal collection. The key here is prayerfully. A collection takes a lot of time, work and creativity. I feel like I’m bursting with ideas and a vision but don’t feel like I can possibly fit it all into my schedule. I’m praying for lots of clarity and focus so the time I do have can be spent well and that I only do the things God has for me right now. I made some good progress but am definitely not finished! I started a little VMP tribe and it’s been the biggest blessing as I keep my head down! 

2. Think before I speak. Vulnerability time. In my mission to have said of me “it’s not hard to make her happy” by my husband Tyler, I’m realizing I talk way too much. And really, he doesn’t tell me this all the time. It’s something I feel. I’m exhausted from talking, from planning, from controlling. It wears on my spirit so much and then I feel like I’m no fun and the thought of then talking about even fun stuff feels like I’m still talking to much. This doesn’t mean I’ll be radio silent (as if there were a chance ; ). It just means I won’t spew all over him every single thought that comes to my mind. This should be how I am with all people but I’ll start here with the most important human relationship I have. YES!! I don’t always feel this way but it was like once I made the decision to do this, it was easier to actually do. I’m sure it was better for Tyler but it was actually nice for me too to let go of some control.  

3. Read Bible app before checking social media. I got this idea from Laura from Risen Motherhood. I’m hoping the time in the Word will actually curb my desire for even check social media many times! I barely did this. 

4. Consistently blog once a week. I have so many ideas that I try to do more but then I get overwhelmed and can’t keep up. One post a week seems doable and I want to get really consistent with that. 3 out of 4! Not beating myself up though. I’ve been writing a ton for the book. 

5. Eat 8 fruits and veggies servings day. I’ve tried this a few times and when I do, the junk food gets squeezed out because I simply don’t have the room for it when I’m trying to get a certain amount of good foods in. And micro or calorie counting isn’t practical right now. The goal is 5-6 veggie and 2-3 fruits so I can’t just eat my weight in watermelon and call it a day! 😉  I didn’t do this every day but I did it most days. A biiiig salad most days really helped! 

6. Look into flying options. I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t flown since 8th grade when my ear burst on a plane. I’ve honestly been terrified to get back on a plane but really want to get past this. I have so many places I want to go!! YES!! I can’t believe I actually made progress. This has been a goal for years but I was never brave enough to write down. I put it out to FB and got connected with an old roommates dad who’s a pilot and taking me up in his plane soon! Prayers! I’m terrified but excited! 

7. Fill out habits worksheet. After reading Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin, I am so motivated to make small little changes in my day. I have already gotten better at flossing! I decided to make a new sheet so this didn’t happen. See June goals! 😉

8. Do Dave Ramsey refresher. Finances!! Seriously, I can’t seem to get disciplined with it. I’ll start to figure out a good system and then it takes too much time and I abandon. I’m hoping a reminder of why it’s all so important will help. :/ I couldn’t find my book so I never did this but Tyler and I had a good financial chat and a gameplan. 

9. Do daily workout video. I have been liking Love Sweat Fitness videos. They are so simple and short and I really feel it after! 25 out of 31 days! I’ll take it! 

10. Read Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Because I need all the help I can get right now! 😉 Not at all but I did finish The Power of a Praying Parent.


1. Prayerfully finalize the new collection and raise enough funds for the deposit. I need your help on this one friends! If you missed my insta-stories on Friday, check out the details and revealing two new hardbound legacy products I want to have in the new collection here.

2. Go on three date nights with Tyler. Just because I like dating my husband. 🙂

3. Read Scripture throughout the day. My mind has been all over the place in this busy season. I want to make sure I’m moment-by-moment coming back to God’s truth.

4. Fly. 🙂

5. Continue working on Grumpy Mom. 

6. Create new habits worksheet. After reading Better Than Before, it sparked a lot of questions I want to work through so I thought designing a new worksheet would be great so y’all can use too! Look for that later this month! 🙂

7. Stick to our food budget. Because it’s the budget we bust every single month. Trying to plan groceries a little better and not waste food as much to help us stick to it.

8. Prepare for the podcast. My sister and I are starting a podcast. It will be super laidback

9. Add Kid prayers to my online to-do planner. I shared how I have been doing this with prayers for myself and my husband here.

10. No 10! One through 9 should keep me plenty busy.


I shared a Facebook Live video called “How I schedule monthly goals” if you need help making your monthly goals actionable! Click here to watch! 

Also, If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!


We decided to change things up this year for our giving. We are now partnering with RMI on a longterm basis to provide hot meals for two schools in Haiti for the entire school year. For most of these kids, this is their only hot meal and for some only meal of the day! More details to come on this! 10% of every purchase made will go directly to this project.

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