A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Margin // The Quest Begins

3.19.2014 • 1 Comment

myquestformarginIt’s not just a buzzword you might see on Instagram with pretty perfectly styled photos. And to me, it’s not just the borders of white space around each design I create.

It’s the space in our life that is unfilled. It’s the space where busy times or growth spurts can fill temporarily without our cup spilling over. It is crazy how comfortable our generation has become with busyness and chaos and saying yes to everything.

While reading the book Margin by Richard Swenson, I started journaling my thoughts on the topic. I was so overwhelmed (in a good way) about the concept that I just had to write down all the thoughts that filled my head.

I started asking myself a few questions.

  • How can I add margin in my life?
  • What am I saying yes to that I shouldn’t?
  • What things bring me back to “busy”?
  • How can I make change stick?
  • How can I change my heart instead of just creating another list of rules to follow?

Here were some of my thoughts:

The life I desire is unbusy. It’s filled with the people that matter, work I’m passionate about and plenty of room to serve others. It’s free from over-filled closets, overflowing toy chests, unkept cars, piled high refrigerators or sinks, crowed cabinets and racks. It’s not controlled by the stuff that surrounds me, half of which I could care less about a week after it’s acquire. Instead it is led by the Holy Spirit, free to roam about my day to lead me into heavenly-ordained appointments where God is glorified. Where refreshment happens with a hot bath or hot tea an a good book instead of in front of a screen. Where conversations are filled with a few less words and far more listening. Where whispers from the Lord are heard clearly because all the noise and chatter no longer reign. Where peace is the overflowing emotion, instead of heart racing anxiety. Where joy is the choice. Where less is more. 

This life is possible. It won’t come easy and it will take some time but it is possible. I’m excited to share this journey with you.

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Comments (2)

I just started reading this book as well! So far I am in love with it and the way it brings simplicity to my mind. As a designer too, my mind can be crazy with ideas and always thinking I can do every single thing, and in one day. hah! I agree with wanting a life that is unbusy and filled with passionate creative work. Love the post 🙂

Thanks Ashley!! It’s insane isn’t it?? I love how they talk about progress as not always the best thing. That is something I struggle with. I see progress as the holy grail. Crossing something off my to-do list is soooo (too) important to me!