A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Say hello to a more refreshing marriage


“My husband rarely has the loudest need in our home. Because of that, I have to be really intentional about hearing him. I have to be diligent in asking how I can serve him. If I don’t, I forget that he has any needs of his own and simply see him as a workhorse.” -Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday

Can you relate? When my book Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday first came out, I had several people appreciate the chapter on marriage so much that they asked for Grumpy WIFE Takes a Holiday to be my next book!

Truth be told, I didn’t feel very qualified and honestly a bit scared to dive into the topic of marriage any further. I shared the simple lessons that have helped Tyler and I but at the same time, I didn’t feel like I was living as intentionally in our marriage as I had been in motherhood.

However, the last few months after an eye-opening trip the Lord’s helped me re-learn how to truly enjoy our marriage all over again and I’ve felt inspired to share some of these simple lessons with you through an email series.

You may see the title and totally relate, but really this series is for EVERY wife! Not just grumpy ones. We just love a good theme. 😉 If you’ve been feeling like your marriage could use some refreshment or maybe you’re even a newly or soon-to-be wed not wanting to fall into bad habits, this challenge is for you!

During this time together we’ll explore 7 practical principles that I hope will help you shift your perspective about marriage and motivate you to take action. This series is not about changing your husband but changing your heart.

Each day will have a theme and, in true VMP fashion, an action step to help you apply the lesson to your life right away! When you sign up below, you’ll receive an intro email immediately and then start the challenge the next day.

Lord, soften our hearts and open our eyes as we dive into this challenge. Help us to see our husbands and marriages as you see them. Make our relationship one of peace and joy for each other and those around us. We know your plans for marriage are good and we’re ready to experience all you have to offer! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


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marriage challenge, valerie woerner, women's ministry, prayer, Bible study

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