Can we just skip right over April recaps?? This past month has been a big reminder of something I actually share in every post. Prayer is a key part of goal-setting and achieving. I did more doing than praying in April. It’s hard to get out of this mindset and honestly I’m still fighting the urge to do more.
1. Begin creating new collection. Yay!! I have a LOT of new products planned. It’s time to get cracking on it. I would love your prayers that the Lord directs my steps. I got a solid foundation, picked fonts, created an inspiration board, chose products and picked colors. BUUUT I didn’t get much actual design done.
2. Try new hobbies with Tyler. I know one thing husbands appreciate in wives is being able to have fun together. I want to be more intentional with this. We tried a few (I did Crossfit with him!) but not as many as I hoped but we did figure out a few ideas that we are excited about!
3. Pray with prayer journal for 15 minutes every morning. It’s simple, but it sets me up for more conversation with God throughout the day. I didn’t track this very well but I know I wasn’t super consistent.
4. Keep working on Grumpy Mom (15,000 words). I’ll be sharing a post soon about my book writing routine for anyone who may feel inspired to write a book! I got 9,000 words written. I’ll take it. 😉
5. 30 Day Fitness Challenge. More on this later. Bombed this.
6. Plan intentional first birthday for Vana! Whaaat?? She’s going to be a year old! So crazy! So excited! I forgot how close it was so a few nights ago I hopped on Amazon for an hour and got the decor and menu planned. There are a few small intentional touches but it will be simple!
7. Read Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin. I am loving this book so far!! It’s all about learning how our personality plays a factor in if we keep habits so we set ourselves up for success. Done! A great read if you are trying to change some habits and need a push!
8. Spending freeze besides approved list. Basically a modified version of The Contentment Challenge. We will be spending a little on Vana’s party and my summer wardrobe but I don’t want that to be a free pass to buy anything. I didn’t do this. I couldn’t stick with it but it didn’t feel concrete so I didn’t take it super seriously. Not sure why!
9. Read Fermented Vegetables by Christopher and Kirsten Shockley. Dipping my toe in making my own fermented veggies. Does anyone do this? I put this on the back burner pretty soon when the month got started. It just wasn’t a priority at the moment.
10. Ask more question with Vivi and talk more to Vana. Truth, when Vivi gets in the car, we chat about her day and I have no idea what to ask! I normally run down the same 5 questions. My sister sent me this article and I loved the intentionality of the questions! I also want to start talking more with Vana. I realize I talk a lot less with her than I did with Vivi at this age. I did this! I printed two copies of the list and put one set in the door of our van and one copy in a drawer in our living room. I’m learning lots of new stuff and those questions are generating great conversations.
1. Prayerfully design new collection. The key here is prayerfully. A collection takes a lot of time, work and creativity. I feel like I’m bursting with ideas and a vision but don’t feel like I can possibly fit it all into my schedule. I’m praying for lots of clarity and focus so the time I do have can be spent well and that I only do the things God has for me right now.
2. Think before I speak. Vulnerability time. In my mission to have said of me “it’s not hard to make her happy” by my husband Tyler, I’m realizing I talk way too much. And really, he doesn’t tell me this all the time. It’s something I feel. I’m exhausted from talking, from planning, from controlling. It wears on my spirit so much and then I feel like I’m no fun and the thought of then talking about even fun stuff feels like I’m still talking to much. This doesn’t mean I’ll be radio silent (as if there were a chance ; ). It just means I won’t spew all over him every single thought that comes to my mind. This should be how I am with all people but I’ll start here with the most important human relationship I have.
3. Read Bible app before checking social media. I got this idea from Laura from Risen Motherhood. I’m hoping the time in the Word will actually curb my desire for even check social media many times!
4. Consistently blog once a week. I have so many ideas that I try to do more but then I get overwhelmed and can’t keep up. One post a week seems doable and I want to get really consistent with that.
5. Eat 8 fruits and veggies servings day. I’ve tried this a few times and when I do, the junk food gets squeezed out because I simply don’t have the room for it when I’m trying to get a certain amount of good foods in. And micro or calorie counting isn’t practical right now. The goal is 5-6 veggie and 2-3 fruits so I can’t just eat my weight in watermelon and call it a day! 😉
6. Look into flying options. I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t flown since 8th grade when my ear burst on a plane. I’ve honestly been terrified to get back on a plane but really want to get past this. I have so many places I want to go!!
7. Fill out habits worksheet. After reading Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin, I am so motivated to make small little changes in my day. I have already gotten better at flossing!
8. Do Dave Ramsey refresher. Finances!! Seriously, I can’t seem to get disciplined with it. I’ll start to figure out a good system and then it takes too much time and I abandon. I’m hoping a reminder of why it’s all so important will help. :/
9. Do daily workout video. I have been liking Love Sweat Fitness videos. They are so simple and short and I really feel it after!
10. Read Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Because I need all the help I can get right now! 😉
I shared a Facebook Live video called “How I schedule monthly goals” if you need help making your monthly goals actionable! Click here to watch!
Also, If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!
This month we will again be stockpiling our giving so we have startup funds for the longterm charity we have chosen. We are in the process of finalizing things now and I can’t wait to share more details. If you are a small business owner, I highly recommend working with Bailey from Abel Impact for your giving plan. If you are wanting to dip your toe in, Bailey actually just created an e-book to walk you through the process of a giving plan.
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Comments (23)
So excited for the new write the word journals!
I would love a resource on forgiveness! It’s Definitely easier said than done! 🙂
The write the word journals are so cool. There are my wish list for birthdays and the like because the budget of a college student does not allow to many fun new products.
This is such a good post. I definitely need to get better at setting goals and working towards them! It’s like I have them then don’t write them down and now it’s 5 yrs later and I’m still trying to get my room organized lolol
Great goals!
I’m so glad I stumbled upon your IG this morning! I am finding your page so encouraging and can’t wait to read more. Thanks for sharing so much truth!
I love your practical ways to get deeper into the Word and strengthening prayer life.
So thankful for the Lord’s work in you!
I am currently feeling so wild minded and out of control with my goals and schedule. I would love to give this a try.
Miranda, you are our winner!! Thanks so much for reading + participating. So excited to send you your Write the Word Journal!! 🙂
Sticking to a plan to achieve a goal can be so tough but it’s so necessary! What a great giveaway! I’d love to win.
Congrats on finishing your book! Can’t wait to see it!
Thanks for doing the giveaway- the write the word journals are awesome!
I love your daily goals! It is so easy to forget to pray about the small/ daily things like our phones!!
I love all the prayer in your goals. It’s the same for me this month. Also, so in love with Write the word journals!
What a beautiful book! I have a friend this would be perfect for!
Thank you for being the one to introduce me to Powersheets! I am loving them this year, and I wouldn’t have known about them without you!
Thanks for sharing this! Very encouraging! Hoping to win too!
I love my power sheets! And I’m excited to read the Finishing School, I ordered it on my Kindles today.
Just discovered Powersheets and Write the Word. Would love to win!
I love your goal blog posts!!! They are my favorite!
I just got my first undated planner from Cultivate What Matters and starting to fill it out seems very intimidating. I’m just not sure which goals I should pursue first!
Beautiful journal!