A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


November Goals


November is almost here y’all! Who’s excited??


1. Pray extra intentionally for our home, church and friends. Eh. Not as much as I had hoped!
2. Become Marriage Mentors. (We did the training. Highly recommend!). DONE!
3. Plan fun trip to New Orleans with Tyler. DONE! We got to go see John Mulaney! 🙂
4. Start filling out Legacy Prayer Journal for each girls. YES!! Loving this!
5. Read Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Making progress and loving this!
6. Streamline backend of VMP / close loops. Progress made. Got new computer and it’s sooooo much faster!!
7. Write and publish prayer series. YEP! Read it here!
8. Target core and back in workouts. Done!
9. Fill out Family Creed with Tyler. Progress made. I feel like it’s helped so much already in our intentionality and communication.
10. Clean out all our closets. YES!!!!


1. Study John.
2. Make most of sermons and follow my own advice.
3. Find fun ways to connect with Tyler in the evenings.
4. Tour schools for Vivi and pray for the best option.
5. Finish filling out Family Creed.
6. Create thoughtful and creative holiday plan.
7. Host VMP Retreat! (So excited for this!)
8. Clean up budget and prep for next year.
9. Create a new home binder.
10. Add important dates to 2018 Family Prayer Calendar. (Because I’ve literally forgotten ever birthday this year).

I thought I would start sharing my weekly and daily goals that I include in my Powersheets so you can see how to make progress in small consistent ways too. I am reading Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden and it is based on this idea of habits being our secret to “success”. To be totally honest, I don’t do as well with the weekly and daily goals and I’m hoping to see if it’s just as simple as the accountability I get in these monthly goal posts. So here goes.


  • Dinners cooked for 6 as a family (3 a week).
  • Add to my Legacy Prayer Journal & Promptly Journal.
  • Update expenses.
  • House Prayers through as I tidy for the week on Sunday night.
  • Utilize SWHW resources.
  • Social media free weekend.


  • Write in Fresh Outlook (15 of 31)
  • 8Bit Workouts (20 of 31)
  • Supplements
  • Expectant Cards  (I’m embarrassed how many of my products are on here, but it’s all genuine. I create the products I want to incorporate in my life)
  • 30-minutes present time (minimum for distraction-free time with girls)
  • Glance at goals
  • Bedtime by 9:30

BOOKS TO READ (admittedly over ambitious! :))


  • Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connolly
  • Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden
  • Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
  • Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp


  • Chasing Contentment by Erik Raymond


I shared a Facebook Live video called “How I schedule monthly goals” if you need help making your monthly goals actionable! Click here to watch!

Also, If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 4 years!


We decided to change things up this year for our giving. We are now partnering with RMI on a long-term basis to provide hot meals for two schools in Haiti for the entire school year. For most of these kids, this is their only hot meal and for some only meal of the day! 10% of every purchase made will go directly to this project so every journal you buy provides SIX meals for students and every year provides EIGHTEEN! Amazing!!!

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