Hello November!! October held lots of doctor visits and sickness and about three weeks of no work days but I still managed to cross SOMETHING off my list! And it was a really good reminder that the world keeps going even if I can’t do everything I have planned. ; )
1. Write out our family values. I’ve mentioned several times lately how much legacy and intentionality with the girls has been on my mind. As Vivi gets older, we are no longer just shaping sleep habits and motor skills. We’re shaping a tiny human that will one day shape the world around her. I feel so jumbled and overwhelmed when I think of how many things I want to impress upon her so I’m excited to define this a little bit and let it guide how we raise the girls. I didn’t do this yet but I started reading two books that I wanted to finish before I tackle this!! They are listed below!
2. Cook 1 real meal a week. Meaning I can’t just buy a bag of lettuce and rotisserie chicken and make a salad when Tyler can’t cook…like I did last week! 😉 Yes! Technically I skipped a week but cooked two in one week so it came out to four meals. They weren’t award winning but I cooked a chicken breast for the first time in years!
3. Read through Fresh Start journal. I’ll actually be doing this for the next three months to really get the content ingrained in my brain so it will change my habits and outlook on prayer! Yes!!
4. Plan 3 hangouts with friends. Because I need some friend time! And it doesn’t seem to happen unless I’m really intentional about it! Nope! Sick babies torpedoed this one.
5. Go through my closet…again. I know, I know. This seems to always on here but I feel like I’m always hanging on to stuff I think I will need later that I really haven’t worn in over a year. Yes! Annnnd my closet has stayed clean for a few weeks now because there’s just a lot less stuff!
6. Have 15 no sugar days. My sweet tooth is out of control and some recent health stuff has had me realizing it’s really time to make a change. 15 no sugar days might not seem like much to some of y’all but it’s huge for me! Yes!!! I seriously can’t believe I did it but I will say, I felt called to do a 7 day sugar fast and honestly, feeling God call me to this and committing to Him about it was the only way I did it. It wasn’t just me trying to eat less sugar. It became about my satisfaction in him. More on this later.
7. Start practicing principles for phone use. I made a little list to help me use my phone more intentionally (AKA not endless scrolling and distractions when I’m with people I love). Not really. I didn’t set myself up very well for this though. Excited for this month’s goal!
8. Have financial meeting. We’ve been hit with sooo many expenses this year! We’re trying to get back on track for saving for a car. Much needed now that Tyler’s was lost in the flood! No. We are transitioning in a lot of ways in our house (more later I’m sure) and decided to meet with our financial advisor once we aren’t in this limbo. We did have a good chat with me and Tyler about finances so that’s progress. 🙂
9. Hire a new shop girl. Our sweet shop girl Savri moved this summer. Interviewing girls now and would love prayers to find the right person. Yes!! Check check! So excited to have found Pamela!
10. Catch up on The Finishing School book club posts. After asking in the book club, y’all mentioned loving the posts but that y’all haven’t been on the same pace so I’m planning on finishing up all the posts for the rest of the chapters so you’ll have access to those whenever you ever you finish reading! And if you happen to read the book for a book club, these posts are what I’d share if I was sitting with y’all! 😉 In progress!! 🙂 I finished two and have 10 left! Eek! It’s a start.
1. Write Family Vision. Because I didn’t get it done last month!
2. Contribute something to Thanksgiving meal. If you’re a cook, my cook goals probably make you laugh! 😉 But this is big for me!!
3. Write out a prayer based on The Power of a Praying Woman notes. I pray daily for Tyler using Stormie’s prayers from The Power of a Praying Wife so this will be a part of that prayer time praying for myself.
4. Shop early and shop small for our loved ones. I’m not good at gift-giving. It’s always a last-minute dash the weekend before Christmas. I want to plan now and put more thoughtfulness into each gift. And also shop small in the shops of my sweet friends!
5. Read The Life-Giving Home. This book is already changing the way I see our home.
6. Participate in abs challenge. I’ve had so many issues with my back since Vana arrived. A combo of no ab muscles after pregnancy and c-section and carrying around a big baby.
7. Participate in SWHW social media detox. If you are a business owner, check out She Works His Way. It’s an incredible resource! They have a social media detox going this month and I’ve just looked at all the daily challenges and it’s going to be so good!!
8. Pray for right vehicle. Because I forget God cares about these practical-type things.
9. Prepare for smooth holiday ordering season. We basically sell about a 1/3 of our journals for the year between Thanksgiving and Christmas! Last year things went really smoothly because I prepared so much ahead of time so I’m hoping to do the same this year!
10. Plan serving series. I’m working on a series about serving friends in their season! Hoping to share it in a few weeks! 🙂
If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets they just launched the new ones for 2017! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!
- Parenting by Paul David Tripp
- The Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson
- Find Your Brave by Holly Wagner
- The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees
This month, our Boaz Fund will be donated to hurricane relief in Haiti. I’ve mentioned our churches sister church in Picot, Haiti before. We sponsor some kids from that area and want to keep supporting them as they deal with the effects of Hurricane Matthew.
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Girl, a big part of why I share ALL my PowerSheets goals on my blog is just for the accountability. So I definitely think it will help motivate you! I may be super motivated (and a life coach, for goodness sake), but I still LOOOVE external accountability. haha I ALWAYS love reading your goals! 🙂