A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


On the Podcast: Goals


What does it look like to pray over our goals? How do we set goals that reflect God’s best for us? And how do we let our lives be an overflow of our time spent in prayer? Listen in!

EP. 19 – Goals and Prayer with Diana Kerr

In this episode, we talk with my personal life coach, Diana Kerr about how setting goals can enhance our prayer lives, how we can formulate goals as believers, as well as Diana’s personal struggles and journey with prayer.

Diana Kerr is a Certified Professional Life Coach on a mission to help go-getter Christian women break free from overwhelm and design their time and life for what matters most. Diana lives in Milwaukee, WI, with her husband, Kyle, and their sons, Harrington and George. Visit to learn more about working with Diana 1-on-1 or her group program Fight for Margin, and explore her free tips and resources on intentional living.

Get her free 12-page workbook, 3 Lies about Time Christian Women Tell Themselves & 3 Truths That Will Set You Free: 

Coaching with Diana | Diana’s Facebook | Diana’s YouTube

Things mentioned in today’s episode:

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EP. 20 – How to Live from an Outflow of Prayer

I don’t want to be a better “pray-er”. You heard me. I don’t want to just get better at saying some prayers. I want it to transform my days and thereby transform my life. What would our days look like if they were an outflow of time we spent in God’s presence? Can you imagine the difference? In this episode, I’m sharing 7 tips to start living a life that is a response to our time in prayer.

Things mentioned in today’s episode:

Ep. 14 – How to practice silence and solitude

Pray Confidently and Consistently by Valerie Woerner

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EP. 21 – A Prayer for Transformation

Time spent in the Lord’s presence changes us, but so often we’re going through the motions, rattling off things we need and not pausing long enough to experience all he has for us.

Here’s a simple and quick prayer to get you started:

– Release everything and soak in God’s presence

– Tell God your desire for a life that flows from prayer

– Confess ways you try to get by on your own

– Praise God for his power and that He is with you


Exodus 34:29

John 15:5

This prayer has been adapted from my book Springboard Prayers. If you were encouraged by it and would like 124 other prayers to read when you don’t have the words, grab a copy at

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Try our monthly format designed to be filled out once at the beginning of the month really intentionally. Then you can pick up daily to pray over several things on your list! Check out our brand new linen journals in the shop now!

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