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Summer Reads + More!

6.12.2015 • 3 Comments

IMG_4819So I maaay have been doing a little dabbling into something I swore I’d never do. That’s right. I’m talking about fiction books. If you remember my big reading list for 2015, I had 25 books and not a single one was fiction. I am still working my way though those and adding a few as I go, but lately I have been craving some light-hearted night time or beach reads. Especially after my little incident, I’ve been wanting to read books that make those nights I can’t sleep not something I dread. (Side note: If you struggle with any sort of anxiety or depression, I HIGHLY recommend getting this book. I talk about it here and have it in my bedside table to pull out if I need a bit of encouragement.)

Sooooo…here’s my summer fun reading list:

41G+8CzY40L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The Knockoff by Lucy Sykes

Why it made the list? I majored in journalism and had big dreams of becoming an editor at some big magazine in NYC. I even interned at a magazine in Philly and remember going see The Devil Wears Prada in theaters the night before I started. Love any chance to step back into that world for a short bit!

Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Why it made the list? I love that there is some mystery and a mother-daughter tale. Plus it seems like an easy read that I won’t want to put down.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Why it made the list? A book about books! What’s a book nerd not to like about it?

51gjSqc+LQL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_My Life in France by Julia Child

Why it made the list? I am TRYING to become a foodie. My husband is pretty much a gourmet chef now so I have given up in the kitchen because it simply wouldn’t compare. I’m hoping to get inspired.

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Why it made the list? I love Amy Poehler and have heard so many great things about this book from friends!

The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrows

518+eFm9MeL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Why it made the list? I love a good small town and a curious girl!

And y’all, if you have not heard of Good Reads, you need to check it out. I always read a few books at a time and kept a note on my phone with how far along I was in each and how many pages were in the book. It helped me to finish those that I was closest to finishing. I know, that’s totally A-Type right there. BUT then my sister told me Good Reads basically has an app that will do the same. You can create a shelf of books to read, currently reading and have read. I know y’all love good book recommendations so if you want to know what other books catch my attention throughout the year, follow me on Good Reads here!

Now I would love to know, what books are on your summer list??

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Comments (3)

I hope you like My Life in France! I really enjoyed reading it several years ago. Thanks for the other recommendations!

I’m two-thirds of the way through The Light Between Oceans and I can’t put it down. Without reaching the end I really shouldn’t recommend it yet, but I am loving it so far. I just finished Homeward Bound and wrote a review on my blog (https://our52.blogspot.com/2015/06/extreme-housewives.html). It was a really fun read and I definitely recommend it. A perennial favorite is A Room with a View, a classic and the BEST summer read I can think of. I’m excited to follow your goodreads account!

Love that you’re adding fiction to the list! I’m a huge book nerd and a major advocate for people of all ages and persuasions reading fiction.

I’ve got lots on my reading list for the summer, but right now I’m working through “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt and “If You Find This Letter” by Hannah Brencher and up after that is “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr and a reread of one of my favorite children’s books, “The Phantom Tollbooth” by Norton Juster.