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What I read in 2019


reading list, new year, books, goals, resolutions, how toI read a ton this year with the help of my Audible subscription! Here’s the list below and a little description. Feel free to comment on today’s Instagram post to ask specific questions about book recs! Giving book recommendations is my love language. 🙂

You can find all these books listed together in my Amazon storefront here!

Your World-Class Assistant by Michael Hyatt – Short, but practical book on hiring an assistant.
Stretch by Scott Sonenshein (A) – This book actually inspired one of our biggest goals for next year, to stretch our resources and get creative with what we have.
Safe to Feel by Phylicia Masonheimer – If you struggle with affection, this 30 day devotional would be a great read.

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier – A short read about asking better questions that lead conversations in a better direction.

12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington (A) – A different approach to setting annual goals. I’ll share how I’m implementing some of this when I share my new goals.

Prayer That Works by Jill Briscoe – Jill walks through the life of Isaiah as she talks about prayer. I love books that draw me to the Scripture!

* The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer – Favorite book of the year!

Social Media Success for Every Brand by Claire Diaz Ortiz – (A) Very basic guide to social media. I didn’t love it but if you’re new to using social media in business, it could be helpful.

The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family by Patrick Lencioni (A) – Patrick writes business fables (which you’ll see a few listed by him). This book was about taking his business principles into family life. I highly recommend it! It’s an easy read and super motivating for the new year!

Worship by A.W. Tozer – Tozer’s thoughts on worship compiled into one book. I enjoyed reading this as I prepped to write this blog post on worship.

Boundaries for Leaders by Henry Cloud – A great book for business owners or leaders who want to encourage a team.

Crucial Conversations by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan (A) – I listened to this thinking it would mainly help me in business but it is great for conversations with a spouse, family, etc.

Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld – A fiction retelling of Pride and Prejudice in modern-day. It kept my attention and made me want to reread Pride and Prejudice.

Humility by Andrew Murray – Super small book that jumpstarted a new heart in me. Humility isn’t something I thought about much before. Highly recommend.

Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl – A memoir about Ruth’s life as a food critic.

The Telomere Effect by Elissa Epel and Elizabeth Blackburn – A random library find about growing our telomeres which helps extend our healthy years.

The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni (A) – A Lencioni fable about the qualities of ideal team players for business. 

* Seamless by Angie Smith – My first Bible study? Ok, not ever, but in several years in this kind of format. Super good and recommended to every believer!

* The Home Edit by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin – An organizing book that helped jumpstart my recent organization kick.

Letters to the Church by Francis Chan (A) – Challenging in the best way read about the local church.

* Save Me the Plums by Ruth Reichl – I kept calling this my first fiction in years, but technically it’s not fiction. 😉 It is a narrative all about Gourmet editor in chief. I love food books and love magazine life so I loved it!

The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive by Patrick Lencioni (A) 

The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman – Beautifully written book about decision making. Highly recommend.

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by Brandon J. O’Brien and E. Richards – Didn’t agree with every single word (which I think is true for all books actually?) but this really opened my eyes and made me aware of how limited I can look at Scripture.

Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday (A) – Great book for authors hoping to write and sell books that last.

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport – His follow-up to Deep Work and how to take similar concepts into every area of life, not just work.

Everybody Always by Bob Goff (A) –  An easy read encouraging me to love in more extravagant ways. Vivi loved listening along and kept asking to listen to Bob’s book. 😉

The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod (A) – The follow-up book to The Morning Miracle. Encouraging read and reminder that we often become victims of what we think we can’t do.

The Writers Diet by Helen Sword – A technical read on putting sentences together and trimming the fat off of fluffy writing. I love reading a book on writing while I’m writing something. 

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch – Thought-provoking and practical book on teaching our kids to live gratefully.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting by Ronnie W. Floyd – A straightforward book on fasting and prayer. Easy read and encouraging.

Deep Work by Cal Newport – Lots of experiments and data on how to do your best work without distractions. Good read!

Hello Mornings by Kat Lee (A) – A very practical guide about crafting mornings from a spiritual perspective. 

* Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday by Me 😉 – I read this with the launch team and it was so encouraging to read through it in a different season.

When People are Big and God Is Small by Edward T. Welch – A deep dive into why we make people bigger than God, how it affects us and how to reverse it.

Talk Triggers by Daniel Lemin and Jay Baer (A) – About how to get people talking about your business.

The One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan (A) – If you liked Essentialism by Greg McKeown and want more on the topic, this would be good and along the same lines.

* An Unhurried Life by Alan Fadling – This book changed me, slowed me down and has been one I reference frequently when I get too speedy.

The Enneagram of Parenting by Elizabeth Wagele – A really light read and nothing to take too seriously but helpful to see how enneagram types look in children.

Currently reading:

Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst – This is a reread but I read it so long ago, I am LOVING it all over again!

To Hell with Hustle by Jefferson Bethke – This one is one the same topic as The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry but very different delivery and content! So refreshing and just a good reminder of how counter culture God’s ways are compared to the world.

* Not sure if this is just right book at the right time but these were the reads that changed me most in 2019!

(A) Listened to the audio version


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