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10 books in quarter 3

10.26.2021 • 1 Comment

If you’re looking for book recs, here’s what I read in quarter 3 of this year. I’m currently reading a few of my favorites that I cannot wait to share next quarter! 

Declutter Like a Mother by Allie Casazza (A)

This is a really practical and motivating read to declutter your home. Allie has worked with moms for YEARS and it shows! She covers everything!! 

Don’t Give The Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio (A)

This book is based on the verse Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Super practical and encouraging reflecting on the lies we believe that our enemy tries to bait us with. 

Analog Church by Jay Y. Kim

This was a fascinating read about churches becoming virtual. Especially following the Covid-age of lots of virtual church. It was super enlightening and a good reminder of the importance of being with people. 

10 books in quarter 3 by Valerie Woerner, books, reads, reading update, goals, habits, productivityTake Back Your Family by Jefferson Bethke

One of my favorite books of the quarter. It was an unexpected read about the nuclear family (and how it’s not the biblical design) and got me excited about things I want to incorporate in our own home. 

The Genius Zone by Gay Hendricks (A)

I could have done without this book. It’s a little woo-woo. I’ve read another book by Hendricks that I had to filter some of the woo-woo but this one was too much. Not recommended. 

Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro

This book was recommended to me by Michelle Myers probably a year ago. I wish I had read it sooner! It’s geared toward pastors or those in ministry and how burnout happens. I’ll be coming back to this one often. 

Effortless by Greg McKeown (A)

This was a follow-up to McKeown’s book Essentialism. Basically, what if you’ve already eliminated the bare essentials, but life’s still too busy? I need to go back to listen to the highlights. 

The Battle Plan for Prayer Alex and Stephen Kendrick

I can’t believe I’m just now reading this book but it’s a great foundational book on prayer!

The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Gregoire 

10 books in quarter 3 by Valerie Woerner, books, reads, reading update, goals, habits, productivity

This book is not what I expected it to be but still really insightful. It shares a ton of data from surveying their audience and all in all, it just made me really grateful to be married to Tyler. They addressed a lot of issues that I didn’t realize were issues for so many of their audience. 

Preachers N Sneakers by Ben Kirby (A)

If you like the Instagram account or Christian celebrity culture, you may like this deep dive. I find things like these great cautionary tales to stay humble and be discerning. 

Pray Confidently and Consistently by… Me 😉

It was so fun to read this again alongside our launch team. This is my legacy book on prayer meant to help you overcome the obstacles keeping you from a thriving prayer life. It’s available here!!

If you love book recs, check out these posts!

Quarter 2 books
Quarter 1 books
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